Querying database instance using voice input developed by Amazon Alexa!
- Mo Shi
- Zekun Zhang
- Ziqi Wang
- A MySQL InstaCart sample DB instance that contains product-order information (see the schema in .pptx presentation)
- A web interface for users to interact with the DB instance, i.e., accepting the voice input and display the results.
- Alexa skills that mines information from the database by transforming the voice input into dynamic SQL queries
General SELECT function to query the database and return the results
- WHERE clause supported
- Single/Multiple/All attributes selection supported
- Basic aggregate functions (SUM/COUNT/MAX/etc.) supported
- Users "speak out" the SQL queries
Given a product's ID, find its corresponding information
- Information includes: 1.department 2.location 3.product name
Find the most/least popular products in the market
- Find the x most/least popular products given an integer x
- Popularity measured by the product's frequency of occurance in all orders
- Results sorted by the product's popularity
See our project demo at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ8jGS_ebKs
Also, find more details in our .pptx presentation!