Steganography - Hide files in .wav
Wrote in C by Marco Casanova
Open a terminal in the folder you've downloaded the compiled file
and you'll see this
PutIn Wave - Stego Tool by Marco Casanova - 2021
Usage: [a/e] file.wave file.ext
-a : add file to file.wav
Example: -a file.wav
-e : extract file from file.wav
Example: -e file.wav
or compile from source.
WARNING - When reading and writing, the program will never stop until you hit CTRL-C , so if you leave it unattended it will create a big ass .wav file when hiding your message (-a function) and create a big ass output file when extracting your message (-e function); in case of an image or zip etc. it can create corrupted files, but with text files you'll just see rubbish characters after the text you have hidden, but the text will be crystal clear. It is advised to hide text files only until I can fix the code.
NOTE: in the 1.5 version, this is probably solved.
Thank You.