an application which checks difficulty information from a beatmap(might be pretty useless though)
to practice my web scraping skill and something I learned from the class called Data Exploration and Information Visualization
Requires RStudio to run this
- displaying the imported URL
- displaying the artist - title
- displaying the beatmap host
- listing all available difficulties
- listing diffnames, star ratings, playcounts, passcounts and the ratios of clearing the difficulty,
$x$ ,$0 \le x \le 1$ - sorting the table by one of these options:
- star rating
- playcount
- passcount
- clear ratio
- sorting the table in the ascending/descending order with the options mentioned above
- download this repo
- extract the zip somewhere else
- double-click either
- hit the
Run App
- paste the URL of the beatmap and it does the analysis(all gamemodes work and preferably all the ranked maps or the loved one before 2021)
none yet