Web application for looking up phone number operators. Using API provided by Messente.
Test environment can be found here.
Simple web application where user has the ability to look up if a phone number exists (is valid) and the name of the operator.
Without any limitations the scope can grow quite large. I reduced the size of the scope by these limitations:
- User can only search for 1 number at a time. This can be easily changed by making a few changes in the front-end (the backend logic already supports it). Mostly it's a UX question.
- There is no production build. Only development configuration.
- Official messente-python library is missing a HLR endpoint support. I created the integration for it, but it needs some work before it can be merged in the library. I included some unit tests, but not enough to cover everything.
- There is no error handling in the API if Messente should have API errors.
- Backend is written in Python 3. The application itself doesn't have tests. Only the Messente integration. Mostly because there's very little to test.
- Front-end is written with Javascript (jquery) with webpack and ES6 compatibility. There are no tests in front end.
- No application logging (didn't have time)
- Poor error handling (didn't have time)
Needs more tests. Specially the Messente HLR API that requires integration tests. Also a lot of logic happens in front-end and it should be tested. Backend application endpoints have very little functionality and are the least risky.
Requires error handling. Both on front-end and Messente API.
Requires application and error logging.
Requires production configuration.
It should be really easy to add multiple number lookup functionality. The backend supports it. The most complicated question is how the UX should work to be comfortable for the user.
It would be useful to add application usage limits to users.
The Messente HLR api changes should be merged to official API. This needs some work before I can create any pull requests.
The application is 100% built on docker containers. Dev/test/staging and live environments are all run in docker containers. This will make development environment setups easy and team can be sure that all developers run with the same environment.
To run the project in development
1. Clone the project
git clone [email protected]:MarkoSulamagi/PhoneNumberLookup.git
2. Install docker This is the environment specific part. Installing docker on Linux OSs is usually quite easy. I've noticed some installation issues with the Windows and Mac environments, but nothing that quick googling can't fix.
On Ubuntu 16.04 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04
3. Install docker-compose https://docs.docker.com/compose/
On Ubuntu 16.04 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-docker-compose-on-ubuntu-16-04
4. Add configuraiton
Rename .env.example into .env.
cp .env.example .env
Open .env files and replace the sample configuration with your own. Messente API username and password are required. You can sign up to Messente.
5. Build application
docker-compose build
Docker needs to download all the dependencies, so it could take a while.
6. Run application
docker-compose up
Docker needs to download all the dependencies, so it could take a while. Depending on the speed of the internet. Downloads only happen on first run.
8. Visit http://localhost:8555
Run Messente HLR API integration tests
docker exec -it numberlookup_app python -m unittest services.messente_api_tests
Install new JS library
docker exec -it numberlookup_npm npm install --save your-library-name