Note: If you are using a terminal, we recommend you read the file instead of this one.
Click here to view playthrough on youtube
This repository contains submodules from other repositories. Clone using the command:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Or if you've already cloned the repo, you can add the submodules by using this command:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Please follow the install instructions for json and libconfig directories before continuing, if you don't have them installed on your system already.
Compile and install the ethabi binary. It MUST use only this one specific commit from the project as listed. This is because of a bug was fixed on one commit, then the commit following that one changed the CLI fairly radically and broke compatibility.
First install rustc & cargo as directed at []
Ensure that the necessary commands to ~/.profile
as specified
cargo install --git --rev 7de908fccb2426950dc38a412c35bf1c5b1f6561
Test ethabi works: ethabi -h
sudo apt update && sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
Install the Homebrew package manager from []
brew install boost
brew install boost-python
War Tactics requires v1.9.9-stable
git clone
cd go-ethereum
git checkout v1.9.9
sudo apt update && sudo apt install solc
The Ubuntu based apt repository for Solidity is not compatible with Debian. Use the Snap package manger to install instead.
sudo apt install -y snapd && sudo snap install solc --edge
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install solidity
Acquire the repository, if you have not done so already:
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:Martyrshot/434-project.git
cd 434-project/chain
Store the directory to an environment variable:
This set of instructions will have you setup a private Ethereum network. This requires at least 2 seperate Geth clients to pair with each other to work. Both clients must use a unique address. This repo provides 3 address/password pairs for easy testing.
To select which pair of address/password, set it in the
file. Ensure you use a different values for each client you setup.
and change the value of the "CREDENTIALS" environment variable and set it to one of: "1", "2", or "3" (unquoted).
In addition to the above edit, also set the value of the "--ipcpath" flag to:
If on Mac OS X: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc
, where USERNAME is your home folder
If on Linux: /home/USERNAME/.ethereum/geth.ipc
, where USERNAME is your homefolder
vim ${CHAINDIR}/
Edit game.conf
Change "clientAddress" to "Public address of the key" from above"
If on Mac OS X: Change "ipcPath" to the absolute path: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc
, where USERNAME is your home folder
If on Linux: Change "ipcPath" to the absolute path: /home/USERNAME/.ethereum/geth.ipc
, where USERNAME is your homefolder
vim ${CHAINDIR}/../game.conf
Now initialize the blockchain.
Run geth.
You will now need to likely tell each client how to connect to the other client. On either client, from within Geth:
This will output a string resembling:
From the other client, provide this information with the admin.addPeer()
function, as in the example below:
After a few moments you should begin to see output indicating that mining occuring every 5 seconds.
In a seperate terminal, navigate to the root of the repository directory.
If you have not yet compiled the game, do so with make
Run the game with ./client