See for the newer version.
This repo will provide you an easy set-up for your symfony project. It provide the Vagrantfile to create your Ubuntu Trusty 64bits VM and it uses Ansible to provision it. You can also use Ansible to provision your remote server. I have also added a sample configuration for Capifony; a tool to deploy your code on your server.
TL;DR Ansible to configure your servers/VMs and Capifony to deploy the code on your servers.
I have made a basic Ansible provisioning that will be sufficient to run symfony but you need to customize it a bit more. If so you should have a look at the list of our best roles.
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.txt --force
You can choose where you want your vendors to be stored in th ansible.cfg file
Change your project's name in the Vagrant file and choose the directory you want to sync (where your symfony project is) at the line:
config.vm.synced_folder "./", "/var/www/" + projectname + "/current", type: "nfs"
You may want to change the ip of the vm at the line :private_network, ip: ""
Have a look at the vagrant's documentation for more information.
Configure your vm in the provisioning/vars/main.yml. Mainly it will be usefull for changing the database information
vagrant up --provisionThis will create the VM and lunch the provisioning
You can modify the app_dev.php to be able to access it. You are done.
First update the host file in hosts/staging. Then run your remote provisioning with the ansible-playbook command like `ansible-playbook -i provisioning/hosts/prod provisioning/playbook.yml -u root` You can encrypt your data with `ansible-vault encrypt provisioning/hosts/group_vars/vagrant` You can change the key pass with `ansible-vault rekey provisioning/hosts/group_vars/vagrant`You can decrypt my sample encrypted file with the "test" password:
ansible-vault decrypt vars/encrypted-vars.yml
To run your ansible script you'll need to add the --ask-vault-pass
So it becomes something like: ansible-playbook -i provisioning/hosts/prod provisioning/playbook.yml -u root --ask-vault-pass
More information on the official ansible's doc.
Vagrant is a nice tool to build VMs on your machine. You will need to install [VirtualBox]( and [Vagrant]( obviously.To start the VM : vagrant up
To provision the VM : vagrant provision
To log in the VM : vagrant ssh
To stop the VM : vagrant halt
To delete the VM : vagrant destroy
If your deployment fails, you can use bundle exec cap prod deploy --debug
to enter a step by step mode.
- fatal: [default] => imported module support code does not exist at /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/module_utils/ Solution: Install ansible via github:
$ git clone git://
$ cd ./ansible
$ source ./hacking/env-setup
Many thanks to kosssi for his many advices.