My first project build with 11ty. Just having some fun.
echo 'file content goes here' > filename.ext
To compile content templates in current directory or subdirectories into the output folder (defaults to _site):
npx @11ty/eleventy
npx @11ty/eleventy --serve
Config is done via single js file name .eleventy.js. This step is optional.
The default for Eleventy is that it will search through all files in the input directory with a file extension listed in your cofig file as a template format. For example, if youve listed njk files in your config then it will look for those files. If a file format is not recognized, it will be ignored and not copied.
- If build time is slow, there is a manual option to passthrough files.
- If significant config changes, re-start hot loading
More about config:Eleventy Docs - Passthrough File Copy
Eleventy in eleven minutes by Lea Rosema @
Project: A portfolio of all my tech articles
- Listing of all tech articles in one place
- Links to articles
- Accessible
- Styled (minimal)
- Add tags to show where published
- Pull in images using scraper
- Scrape and pull articles dynamically (may not be possible with Eleventy?)