A script to generate RDF data from CSL (Citation Style Language) data or Event Notifications that point to CSL data.
For the mapping we use RDF Mapping Language from RML.io.
yarn install
yarn run download:rmlmapper
cp .env-example .env
The RDF model of a claim is based on two parts:
- A provenance section that makes factual statements about who created the claim, at what time, and which system was used to process the claim
- A metadata section that provides the generated metadata for the claim
The Creator of a claim is the researcher on a social platform.
The Publisher of a claim is the service that generated the RDF model.
The Artifact is the generated metadata for the IRI in the claim.
./bin/rdf_admin.js csl2rdf import/citation1.json
<https://www.dlib.org/dlib/april99/van_de_sompel/04van_de_sompel-pt2.html> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl#webpage> .
<https://www.dlib.org/dlib/april99/van_de_sompel/04van_de_sompel-pt2.html> <https://schema.org/title> "Reference Linking in a Hybrid Library Enivronment Part 2: SFX, a Generic Linking Solution" .
./bin/rdf_admin.js event2rdf --origin=import/event1-origin.json import/event1.json
<urn:uuid:c2006a89-8d73-47d6-a165-6c82e1939f35> {
<https://www.dlib.org/dlib/april99/van_de_sompel/04van_de_sompel-pt2.html> a <http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl#webpage>;
<https://schema.org/title> "Reference Linking in a Hybrid Library Enivonment Part 2: SFX, a Generic Linking Solution"
<urn:uuid:ad3838e2-252b-4db2-b31d-caeedbb87313> a <https://schema.org/Claim>;
<https://schema.org/about> <urn:uuid:c2006a89-8d73-47d6-a165-6c82e1939f35>;
a <https://schema.org/Person>;
<https://schema.org/name> "patrickhochstenbach";
a <https://schema.org/Service>;
<https://schema.org/name> "SURF Claim Bot".
"@context": "https://mycontributions.info/contexts/claim.jsonld",
"id": "urn:uuid:ad3838e2-252b-4db2-b31d-caeedbb87313",
"type": "Claim",
"schema:about": {
"id": "urn:uuid:c2006a89-8d73-47d6-a165-6c82e1939f35"
"creator": {
"id": "https://mastodon.social/@patrickhochstenbach",
"type": "Person",
"claimProfile": "https://wiki.mycontributions.info/en/researcher/orcid/0000-0001-8390-6171",
"verificationProfile": "https://mycontributions.info/profiles/9010.html",
"name": "patrickhochstenbach"
"isBasedOn": "https://mastodon.social/@patrickhochstenbach/114069052052314604",
"mainEntity": {
"id": "https://www.dlib.org/dlib/april99/van_de_sompel/04van_de_sompel-pt2.html",
"type": "http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl#webpage",
"title": "Reference Linking in a Hybrid Library Enivonment Part 2: SFX, a Generic Linking Solution"
"sdDatePublished": "2025-02-26T07:40:07.328Z",
"sdPublisher": {
"id": "https://claimbot.surf.nl/profile/card#me",
"type": "Service",
"name": "SURF Claim Bot"
Create the database:
yarn -s database:init
Import data from the cache database:
yarn database:import
Export all claims as JSONLD
yarn database:export
yarn real-clean
The make_generated.sh
creates Turtle from CSL files import/citation*.json
and JSON-LD from import/event*.json
files. The output is stored in import/generated
Make the claims database available as a JSONL and NQuads dump at http://localhost/exports/.
The RML mapping file used for CSL to RDF mapping can be found in ./config/mapping.ttl
The JSON-LD frame for the claims can be found in ./config/claim.jsonld
and is published online as https://mycontributions.info/contexts/claim.jsonld
: the name of the main event notification cache tablePOSTGRES_*
: database connection parametersRMLMAPPER
: the path to the RML mapper JAR fileRMLMAP
: the RML map to used to generate RDF from CSLTEMPDIR
: a temporary process directoryCONTEXT_URL
: the URL of the published JSON-LD frame for claims
Build a version of a docker image:
docker build . -t hochstenbach/rdf-generator:v0.0.1
Run a docker image:
docker run --rm hochstenbach/rdf-generator:v0.0.1
Push it to DockerHub:
docker push hochstenbach/rdf-generator:v0.0.1