🍭集合多个 API 的大文件传输工具
Large file transfer tool with multiple file transfer services support
部分 API 可能不是很稳定,如有问题可以及时提 issue 或者 pr
如使用过程中出现任何问题可以先尝试使用 beta 版程序,说不定已经修复过了这个 bug
go install github.com/Mikubill/transfer@latest
Go 语言程序,可直接在发布页下载使用。
# Stable Release
curl -sL https://git.io/file-transfer | sh
# Beta Release
curl -sL https://git.io/file-transfer | bash -s beta
Beta 即为实时构建版本,不一定能正常运行,仅建议用作测试。
./transfer <backend> <your-file-path>
./transfer wet /home/user/file.bin
Name | Command | Site | Limit |
Airportal | arp |
https://airportal.cn/ | - |
CatBox | cat |
https://catbox.moe/ | 200MB |
Fileio | fio |
https://file.io/ | 100MB |
GoFile | gof |
https://gofile.io/ | - |
Wenshushu | wss |
https://wenshushu.cn/ | 2GB |
WeTransfer | wet |
https://wetransfer.com/ | 2GB |
Transfer.sh | trs |
https://transfer.sh/ | - |
LitterBox | lit |
https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ | 1GB |
1Fichier | fic |
https://www.1fichier.com/ | 300GB |
Null | null |
https://0x0.st/ | 512M |
Infura (ipfs) | inf |
https://infura.io/ | 128M |
Musetransfer | muse |
https://musetransfer.com | 5GB |
Quickfile | qf |
https://quickfile.cn | 512M |
Anonfile | anon |
https://anonfile.com | 20G |
DownloadGG | gg |
https://download.gg/ | - |
Name | Command | Site |
Lanzous | lzs |
https://www.lanzous.com/ |
Notion | not |
https://www.notion.so/ |
CowTransfer | cow |
https://www.cowtransfer.com/ |
Name | Site |
Vim-cn | https://img.vim-cn.com/ |
WhiteCats | http://whitecats.dip.jp/ |
部分服务仅支持上传;部分服务需要使用 beta 版本。
./transfer image <your-image-path> -b <backend>
./transfer image /home/user/image.png -b tg
Name | Command | Site |
CCUpload | -b cc |
https://upload.cc/ |
Telegraph | -b tg |
https://telegra.ph/ |
Prntscr | -b pr |
https://prnt.sc/ |
支持部分 chevereto 搭建的图床服务(beta,仅公开上传):
Name | Command | Site |
ImgLoc | -b ch -d imgloc.com |
https://imgloc.com/ |
ImgTu | -b ch -d imgtu.com |
https://imgtu.com/ |
ImgTg | -b ch -d imgtg.com |
https://imgtg.com/ |
ZPhotos | -b ch -d z.photos |
https://z.photos/ |
Name | Command | Site |
ImgTP | -b itp |
https://imgtp.com/ |
ImgURL | -b iu |
https://imgurl.com/ |
ImgKr | -b ikr |
https://imgkr.com/ |
ImgBox | -b box |
https://imgbox.com/ |
Transfer is a very simple big file transfer tool.
Backend Support:
airportal(arp), catbox(cat), cowtransfer(cow), fileio(fio),
gofile(gof), lanzous(lzs), litterbox(lit), null(0x0),
wetransfer(wet), vimcn(vim)
transfer [flags]
transfer [command]
# upload via wenshushu
./transfer wss <your-file>
# download link
./transfer https://.../
Available Commands:
decrypt Decrypt a file
encrypt Encrypt a file
hash Hash a file
help Help about any command
image Upload a image to imageBed
--encrypt encrypt stream when upload
--encrypt-key string specify the encrypt key
-f, --force attempt to download file regardless error
-h, --help help for transfer
--keep keep program active when process finish
--no-progress disable progress bar to reduce output
-o, --output string download to another file/folder (default ".")
-p, --parallel int set download task count (default 3)
--silent enable silent mode to mute output
-t, --ticket string set download ticket
--verbose enable verbose mode to debug
--version show version and exit
Use "transfer [command] --help" for more information about a command.
所有上传操作都建议指定一个 API,如不指定将使用默认 (fileio.Backend)。加上想要传输的文件/文件夹即可。
Upload a file or folder.
transfer [flags] <files>
upload, up
--encrypt Encrypt stream when upload
--encrypt-key string Specify the encrypt key
-h, --help help for upload
Global Flags:
--no-progress disable progress bar to reduce output
--silent enable silent mode to mute output
--keep keep program active when process finish
--version show version and exit
Use "transfer upload [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# upload
./transfer balabala.mp4
# upload
./transfer wss balabala.mp4
# upload folder
./transfer wet /path/
不同的 Backend 提供不同的选项,可以在帮助中查看关于该服务的相关信息。
➜ ./transfer cow
cowTransfer - https://cowtransfer.com/
Size Limit: 2G(Anonymous), ~100G(Login)
Upload Service: qiniu object storage, East China
Download Service: qiniu cdn, Global
transfer cow [flags]
cow, cow, cowtransfer
--block int Upload block size (default 262144)
-c, --cookie string Your user cookie (optional)
--hash Check hash after block upload
-h, --help help for cow
-p, --parallel int Set the number of upload threads (default 2)
--password string Set password
-s, --single Upload multi files in a single link
-t, --timeout int Request retry/timeout limit in second (default 10)
Global Flags:
--encrypt encrypt stream when upload
--encrypt-key string specify the encrypt key
--keep keep program active when process finish
--no-progress disable progress bar to reduce output
--silent enable silent mode to mute output
--verbose enable verbose mode to debug
--version show version and exit
# download file
./transfer https://.../
选项才能正确下载文件。(当然也可以先下载后再解密)加密方式为 AES-CBC,默认会自动生成一个密码,也可以通过--encrypt-key
# encrypt stream when upload
➜ ./transfer wss --encrypt transfer
Warning: crypto mode is enabled.
Note: Crypto mode still in beta and abnormalities may occur, do not over-rely on this function.
Key is not set or incorrect: Setting it to 94d0500605b372245dc77f95fbc20010
# encrypt with key
➜ ./transfer wss --encrypt --encrypt-key=123 transfer
Warning: crypto mode is enabled.
Note: Crypto mode still in beta and abnormalities may occur, do not over-rely on this function.
Encrypt using key: 123
# decrypt stream when download
➜ ./transfer --encrypt --encrypt-key=123 https://....
Warning: crypto mode is enabled.
Note: Crypto mode is not compatible with multi thread download mode, setting parallel to 1.
notion 的上传需要以下参数
-p Page ID
必须,即页面链接中的那个一大长串的 ID。建议直接使用 Workspace 的次级页面作为上传目标以便程序能自动获取当前 Workspace ID,否则需要通过 -s 参数指定 Space ID。
-t token
必须,即 cookie 中的www.notion.so -> token_v2
-s Workspace ID
非必须,适用于非次级页面/嵌套的情况,手动设定 Workspace ID
上传后默认返回一个自动签名链接,私有页面可以在浏览器登录状态下直接点击下载。对于公开页面的文件链接,可以尝试去掉 userid 使用,但必须保留 id 和 table 两项。
❯ ./transfer not -p ... -t ... install.sh
Local: /.../install.sh
1.03 KiB / 1.03 KiB [--------------------] 100.00% 810 B p/s 2s
syncing blocks....
Download Link: https://www.notion.so/signed/https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fsecure.notion-static.com%2F...%2Finstall.sh?table=block&id=...&name=install.sh&userId=...&cache=v2
部分 backend 支持登陆环境下上传,使用时只需要提供对应的 cookie 即可。
# login to upload
./transfer cow --cookie="remember-mev2=...;" -a "<cow-auth-token>" file
# login to upload
./transfer arp -t <your-token> -u <your-username> file
# login to upload
./transfer tmp -t <your-token> file
蓝奏云可以只使用 phpdisk_info
项作为 cookie 上传文件,但可能无法进行文件管理(如删除等)。如需要上传到指定目录或进行文件管理操作需要在 cookie 中指定 folder_id_c
# login to upload (without path)
./transfer lzs --cookie='phpdisk_info=...' file
# login to upload (with path)
./transfer lzs --cookie='phpdisk_info=...; folder_id_c=...;' file
transfer 也支持上传图片至图床,默认自动使用阿里图床上传,也可以通过 -b, --backend
Upload a image to imageBed.
Default backend is ali.backend, you can modify it by -b flag.
Backend support:
alibaba(ali), baidu(bd), ccupload(cc), juejin(jj),
netease(nt), prntscr(pr), smms(sm), sogou(sg),
toutiao(tt), xiaomi(xm), vimcn(vm), suning(sn)
# simply upload
transfer image your-image
# specify backend to upload
transfer image -b sn your-image
Note: Image bed backend may have strict size or format limit.
transfer image [flags]
-b, --backend string Set upload/download backend
-h, --help help for image
Global Flags:
--encrypt encrypt stream when upload
--encrypt-key string specify the encrypt key
--keep keep program active when process finish
-v, --verbose enable verbose mode to debug
--version show version and exit
和前面 upload 使用的是同样的加密,只是在本地进行。也可以使用前面下载的加密后文件在此解密。可以通过不同参数指定密钥和输出文件名
关于加密的说明:目前只能选择 AES-CBC 的加密方式,分块大小策略为 min(1m, fileSize)
# encrypt
transfer encrypt your-file
# encrypt using specified key
transfer encrypt -k abc your-file
# decrypt using specified key
transfer decrypt -k abc your-file
# specify path
transfer encrypt -o output your-file
hash 功能使用 sha1, crc32, md5, sha256 对文件进行校验,可以用来检验文件一致性。
➜ ./transfer hash main.go
size: 68
path: /../transfer/main.go
crc32: a51da8f5
md5: aa091bb918ab85b1dc44cb771b1663d1
sha1: a8e25d41330c545da8bcbeade9aebdb1b4a13ab7
sha256: ab4dd3cdd79b5e2a88fcb3fcd45dfcffc935c913adfa888f3fb50b324638e958