Integrated development environment for the high-level constraint modelling language
MiniZinc Compiler
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Packages for Linux, macOS and Windows can be found in the releases or from the MiniZinc website.
These packages contain the MiniZinc IDE, the MiniZinc compiler toolchain, as well as several solvers.
For more detailed installation instructions, see the documentation.
The MiniZinc IDE is a Qt project and requires:
- A recent C++ compiler
- Qt (we target the latest LTS Qt version)
- We also require the Qt WebSockets module
- Make
Ensure you clone the repository including submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd MiniZincIDE
Then either build open the project (
) in Qt Creator and build, or from the command line:
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -makefile ../MiniZincIDE/
make -j4
See the MiniZinc compiler project for instructions on how to build the compiler toolchain.
The IDE has a test suite which can be compiled and run with:
mkdir test
cd test
qmake -makefile ../tests/
make -j4
make check