🥎🥎🥎🥎🥎 ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ 🥎🥎🥎🥎🥎
- This package is no more being maintained. Deprecated. ❗
🥎🥎🥎🥎🥎 ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ 🥎🥎🥎🥎🥎
NOTICE: Proxy support was Added (check the last section in the doc)
(User stream for Binance futures is fully supported ! Doc updated to reflect it! Go all bellow!)
Binance futures typescript supported
The doc for Binance (spot, margin,) wasn't updated! Neither futures is well documented! If you go for this package check the code source and the official doc! Still we are updating and adding more reference from time to time!
To note the Binance futures official doc is way nice
The same order as the official doc was followed for the function implementation
The Doc here is just a big mess! We don't have time for it now! It will be updated at a later time! (If any one want to contribute! And match things between the code source and the official doc! And update the different sections! Special for normal Binance! Just a little updates are required! We will accept and review all PR! The library is just getting more complete and richer! With options that are not supported anywhere else! A good doc will make it helpful for a lot! And we want to make it so!)
For the future we will take full support and development responsibility for the package so it will be helpful to other people! As our work is based on it! We will keep it sharp at all times
No may be this is just the wrong destination! the package is well usable and all good! And getting better and better! But there is no support! And all the doc is a mess
NOTICE: The Doc is out of date! Make sure to verify the outcomes! Or check the Declaration type file here! Or the code source itself! (Use CTRL + F To be productive)!
NOTICE: if you use this library and just to save some hassle if it happen! In case you update! Then the code break! Immediately go check the package version! We may have add breaking changes updates! We are using semantic versioning! But still we made some partial breaking changes! Which we completed on the same version! We shouldn't have done that! But to move fast we did that! If anything check the version! Things will get more robust by the time that is coming!
Including cleaning that big mess README and doc! That make people go away! GO AWAY! UNLESS you see real VALUE hhhhh! (And of course i'm awesome hhhhhh! Humor can be magic)
A complete API wrapper for the Binance API.
this project support typescript too.
npm install binance-client --save
or yarn add binance-client
Import the module and create a new client. Passing api keys is optional only if you don't plan on doing authenticated calls. You can create an api key here.
import Binance from 'binance-client'
const client = Binance()
// Authenticated client, can make signed calls
const client2 = Binance({
apiKey: 'xxx',
apiSecret: 'xxx',
getTime: xxx // time generator function, optional, defaults to () => Date.now()
client.time().then(time => console.log(time))
If you do not have an appropriate babel config, you will need to use the basic commonjs requires.
const Binance = require('binance-client').default
Every REST method returns a Promise, making this library async await ready.
Following examples will use the await
form, which requires some configuration you will have to lookup.
- binance-client
Test connectivity to the API.
console.log(await client.ping())
Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.
console.log(await client.time())
Get the current exchange trading rules and symbol information.
console.log(await client.exchangeInfo())
"timezone": "UTC",
"serverTime": 1508631584636,
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 1200
"rateLimitType": "ORDERS",
"interval": "SECOND",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 10
"rateLimitType": "ORDERS",
"interval": "DAY",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 100000
"exchangeFilters": [],
"symbols": [{
"symbol": "ETHBTC",
"status": "TRADING",
"baseAsset": "ETH",
"baseAssetPrecision": 8,
"quoteAsset": "BTC",
"quotePrecision": 8,
"orderTypes": ["LIMIT", "MARKET"],
"icebergAllowed": false,
"filters": [{
"filterType": "PRICE_FILTER",
"minPrice": "0.00000100",
"maxPrice": "100000.00000000",
"tickSize": "0.00000100"
}, {
"filterType": "LOT_SIZE",
"minQty": "0.00100000",
"maxQty": "100000.00000000",
"stepSize": "0.00100000"
}, {
"filterType": "MIN_NOTIONAL",
"minNotional": "0.00100000"
Get the order book for a symbol.
console.log(await client.book({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param | Type | Required | Default |
symbol | String | true | |
limit | Number | false | 100 |
lastUpdateId: 17647759,
{ price: '0.05411500', qty: '5.55000000' },
{ price: '0.05416700', qty: '11.80100000' }
{ price: '0.05395500', qty: '2.70000000' },
{ price: '0.05395100', qty: '11.84100000' }
Retrieves Candlestick for a symbol. Candlesticks are uniquely identified by their open time.
console.log(await client.candles({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param | Type | Required | Default | Description |
symbol | String | true | ||
interval | String | false | 5m |
1m , 3m , 5m , 15m , 30m , 1h , 2h ,4h , 6h , 8h , 12h , 1d , 3d , 1w , 1M |
limit | Number | false | 500 |
Max 1000 |
startTime | Number | false | ||
endTime | Number | false |
openTime: 1508328900000,
open: '0.05655000',
high: '0.05656500',
low: '0.05613200',
close: '0.05632400',
volume: '68.88800000',
closeTime: 1508329199999,
quoteAssetVolume: '2.29500857',
trades: 85,
baseAssetVolume: '40.61900000'
Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time, from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated.
console.log(await client.aggTrades({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param | Type | Required | Default | Description |
symbol | String | true | ||
fromId | String | false | ID to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE. | |
startTime | Number | false | Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE. | |
endTime | Number | false | Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades until INCLUSIVE. | |
limit | Number | false | 500 |
Max 500 |
Note: If both startTime
and endTime
are sent, limit
should not be sent AND the distance between startTime
and endTime
must be less than 24 hours.
Note: If frondId
, startTime
, and endTime
are not sent, the most recent aggregate trades will be returned.
aggId: 2107132,
price: '0.05390400',
qty: '1.31000000',
firstId: 2215345,
lastId: 2215345,
time: 1508478599481,
isBuyerMaker: true,
isBestMatch: true
Get recent trades of a symbol.
console.log(await client.trades({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param | Type | Required | Default | Description |
symbol | String | true | ||
limit | Number | false | 500 |
Max 500 |
"id": 28457,
"price": "4.00000100",
"qty": "12.00000000",
"time": 1499865549590,
"isBuyerMaker": true,
"isBestMatch": true
24 hour price change statistics, not providing a symbol will return all tickers and is resource-expensive.
console.log(await client.dailyStats({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param | Type | Required |
symbol | String | false |
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
priceChange: '-0.00112000',
priceChangePercent: '-1.751',
weightedAvgPrice: '0.06324784',
prevClosePrice: '0.06397400',
lastPrice: '0.06285500',
lastQty: '0.63500000',
bidPrice: '0.06285500',
bidQty: '0.81900000',
askPrice: '0.06291900',
askQty: '2.93800000',
openPrice: '0.06397500',
highPrice: '0.06419100',
lowPrice: '0.06205300',
volume: '126240.37200000',
quoteVolume: '7984.43091340',
openTime: 1521622289427,
closeTime: 1521708689427,
firstId: 45409308, // First tradeId
lastId: 45724293, // Last tradeId
count: 314986 // Trade count
Current average price for a symbol.
console.log(await client.avgPrice({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param | Type | Required |
symbol | String | true |
"mins": 5,
"price": "9.35751834"
Latest price for all symbols.
console.log(await client.prices())
ETHBTC: '0.05392500',
LTCBTC: '0.01041100',
Best price/quantity on the order book for all symbols.
console.log(await client.allBookTickers())
symbol: 'DASHBTC',
bidPrice: '0.04890400',
bidQty: '0.74100000',
askPrice: '0.05230000',
askQty: '0.79900000'
symbol: 'DASHETH',
bidPrice: '0.89582000',
bidQty: '0.63300000',
askPrice: '1.02328000',
askQty: '0.99900000'
Note that for all authenticated endpoints, you can pass an extra parameter
set to true
in order to fetch the server time before making
the request.
Creates a new order.
console.log(await client.order({
symbol: 'XLMETH',
side: 'BUY',
qty: 100,
price: 0.0002,
Param | Type | Required | Default | Description |
symbol | String | true | ||
side | String | true | BUY ,SELL |
type | String | false | LIMIT |
quantity | Number | true | ||
price | Number | true | Optional for MARKET orders |
timeInForce | String | false | GTC |
newClientOrderId | String | false | A unique id for the order. Automatically generated if not sent. | |
stopPrice | Number | false | Used with stop orders | |
newOrderRespType | String | false | RESULT |
Returns more complete info of the order. ACK , RESULT , or FULL |
icebergQty | Number | false | Used with iceberg orders | |
recvWindow | Number | false |
Additional mandatory parameters based on type
Type | Additional mandatory parameters |
timeInForce , quantity , price |
quantity |
quantity , stopPrice |
timeInForce , quantity , price , stopPrice |
quantity , stopPrice |
timeInForce , quantity , price , stopPrice |
quantity , price |
orders that will be rejected if they would immediately match and trade as a taker.STOP_LOSS
will execute aMARKET
order when thestopPrice
is reached.- Any
type order can be made an iceberg order by sending anicebergQty
. - Any order with an
MUST havetimeInForce
set toGTC
symbol: 'XLMETH',
orderId: 1740797,
clientOrderId: '1XZTVBTGS4K1e',
transactTime: 1514418413947,
price: '0.00020000',
origQty: '100.00000000',
executedQty: '0.00000000',
status: 'NEW',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'LIMIT',
side: 'BUY'
Test new order creation and signature/recvWindow. Creates and validates a new order but does not send it into the matching engine.
Same API as above, but does not return any output on success.
Check an order's status.
console.log(await client.getOrder({
symbol: 'BNBETH',
orderId: 50167927,
Param | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | true | |
orderId | Number | true | Not required if origClientOrderId is used |
origClientOrderId | String | false | |
recvWindow | Number | false |
clientOrderId: 'NkQnNkdBV1RGjUALLhAzNy',
cummulativeQuoteQty: '0.16961580',
executedQty: '3.91000000',
icebergQty: '0.00000000',
isWorking: true,
orderId: 50167927,
origQty: '3.91000000',
price: '0.04338000',
side: 'SELL',
status: 'FILLED',
stopPrice: '0.00000000',
symbol: 'BNBETH',
time: 1547075007821,
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'LIMIT',
updateTime: 1547075016737
Cancels an active order.
console.log(await client.cancelOrder({
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
orderId: 1,
Param | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | true | |
orderId | Number | true | Not required if origClientOrderId is used |
origClientOrderId | String | false | |
newClientOrderId | String | false | Used to uniquely identify this cancel. Automatically generated by default. |
recvWindow | Number | false |
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
origClientOrderId: 'bnAoRHgI18gRD80FJmsfNP',
orderId: 1,
clientOrderId: 'RViSsQPTp1v3WmLYpeKT11'
Get all open orders on a symbol.
console.log(await client.openOrders({
symbol: 'XLMBTC',
Param | Type | Required |
symbol | String | true |
recvWindow | Number | false |
symbol: 'XLMBTC',
orderId: 11271740,
clientOrderId: 'ekHkROfW98gBN80LTfufQZ',
price: '0.00001081',
origQty: '1331.00000000',
executedQty: '0.00000000',
status: 'NEW',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'LIMIT',
side: 'BUY',
stopPrice: '0.00000000',
icebergQty: '0.00000000',
time: 1522682290485,
isWorking: true
Get all account orders on a symbol; active, canceled, or filled.
console.log(await client.allOrders({
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
Param | Type | Required | Default | Description |
symbol | String | true | ||
orderId | Number | false | If set, it will get orders >= that orderId. Otherwise most recent orders are returned. | |
limit | Number | false | 500 |
Max 500 |
recvWindow | Number | false |
symbol: 'ENGETH',
orderId: 191938,
clientOrderId: '1XZTVBTGS4K1e',
price: '0.00138000',
origQty: '1.00000000',
executedQty: '1.00000000',
status: 'FILLED',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'LIMIT',
side: 'SELL',
stopPrice: '0.00000000',
icebergQty: '0.00000000',
time: 1508611114735,
isWorking: true
Get current account information.
console.log(await client.accountInfo())
Param | Type | Required |
recvWindow | Number | false |
makerCommission: 10,
takerCommission: 10,
buyerCommission: 0,
sellerCommission: 0,
canTrade: true,
canWithdraw: true,
canDeposit: true,
balances: [
{ asset: 'BTC', free: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },
{ asset: 'LTC', free: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },
Get trades for the current authenticated account and symbol.
console.log(await client.myTrades({
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
Param | Type | Required | Default | Description |
symbol | String | true | ||
limit | Number | false | 500 |
Max 500 |
fromId | Number | false | TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades. | |
recvWindow | Number | false |
id: 9960,
orderId: 191939,
price: '0.00138000',
qty: '10.00000000',
commission: '0.00001380',
commissionAsset: 'ETH',
time: 1508611114735,
isBuyer: false,
isMaker: false,
isBestMatch: true
Lookup symbol trades history.
console.log(await client.tradesHistory({ symbol: 'ETHBTC' }))
Param | Type | Required | Default | Description |
symbol | String | true | ||
limit | Number | false | 500 |
Max 500 |
fromId | Number | false | null |
TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades. |
"id": 28457,
"price": "4.00000100",
"quantity": "12.00000000",
"time": 1499865549590,
"isBuyerMaker": true,
"isBestMatch": true
Get the account deposit history.
console.log(await client.depositHistory())
Param | Type | Required | Description |
asset | String | false | |
status | Number | false | 0 (0: pending, 1: success) |
startTime | Number | false | |
endTime | Number | false | |
recvWindow | Number | false |
"depositList": [
"insertTime": 1508198532000,
"amount": 0.04670582,
"asset": "ETH",
"status": 1
"success": true
Get the account withdraw history.
console.log(await client.withdrawHistory())
Param | Type | Required | Description |
asset | String | false | |
status | Number | false | 0 (0: Email Sent, 1: Cancelled 2: Awaiting Approval, 3: Rejected, 4: Processing, 5: Failure, 6: Completed) |
startTime | Number | false | |
endTime | Number | false | |
recvWindow | Number | false |
"withdrawList": [
"amount": 1,
"address": "0x6915f16f8791d0a1cc2bf47c13a6b2a92000504b",
"asset": "ETH",
"applyTime": 1508198532000
"status": 4
"success": true
Triggers the withdraw process (untested for now).
console.log(await client.withdraw({
asset: 'ETH',
address: '0xfa97c22a03d8522988c709c24283c0918a59c795',
amount: 100,
Param | Type | Required | Description |
asset | String | true | |
address | String | true | |
amount | Number | true | |
name | String | false | Description of the address |
recvWindow | Number | false |
"msg": "success",
"success": true
Retrieve the account deposit address for a specific asset.
console.log(await client.depositAddress({ asset: 'NEO' }))
Param | Type | Required | Description |
asset | String | true | The asset name |
address: 'AM6ytPW78KYxQCmU2pHYGcee7GypZ7Yhhc',
addressTag: '',
asset: 'NEO',
success: true,
Retrieve the account trade Fee per asset.
console.log(await client.tradeFee())
symbol: 'BTC',
maker: 0.0001,
taker: 0.0001,
symbol: 'LTC',
maker: 0.0001,
taker: 0.0001,
Every websocket utility returns an object that contain the closeStream
function you can call it to close the opened
connection or connections and avoid memory issues.
And too a ws
that refer to websocket or a list of websockets objects! That you can use to listen to the websocket cycle events! Sometimes you may need that! And we exposed the object! We needed that in our work!
Return object signature
export interface StreamReturnObj {
closeStream: ReconnectingWebSocketHandler,
ws: WebSocket | WebSocket[]
You can check the WebSocket object api!
const { closeStream, ws } = client.ws.depth('ETHBTC', depth => {
// After you're done
Live depth market data feed. The first parameter can either be a single symbol string or an array of symbols.
client.ws.depth('ETHBTC', depth => {
eventType: 'depthUpdate',
eventTime: 1508612956950,
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
firstUpdateId: 18331140,
finalUpdateId: 18331145,
bidDepth: [
{ price: '0.04896500', qty: '0.00000000' },
{ price: '0.04891100', qty: '15.00000000' },
{ price: '0.04891000', qty: '0.00000000' } ],
askDepth: [
{ price: '0.04910600', qty: '0.00000000' },
{ price: '0.04910700', qty: '11.24900000' }
Top levels bids and asks, pushed every second. Valid levels are 5, 10, or 20. Accepts an array of objects for multiple depths.
client.ws.partialDepth({ symbol: 'ETHBTC', level: 10 }, depth => {
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
level: 10,
bids: [
{ price: '0.04896500', qty: '0.00000000' },
{ price: '0.04891100', qty: '15.00000000' },
{ price: '0.04891000', qty: '0.00000000' }
asks: [
{ price: '0.04910600', qty: '0.00000000' },
{ price: '0.04910700', qty: '11.24900000' }
24hr Ticker statistics for a symbol pushed every second. Accepts an array of symbols.
client.ws.ticker('HSRETH', ticker => {
eventType: '24hrTicker',
eventTime: 1514670820924,
symbol: 'HSRETH',
priceChange: '-0.00409700',
priceChangePercent: '-11.307',
weightedAvg: '0.03394946',
prevDayClose: '0.03623500',
curDayClose: '0.03213800',
closeTradeqty: '7.02000000',
bestBid: '0.03204200',
bestBidQnt: '78.00000000',
bestAsk: '0.03239800',
bestAskQnt: '7.00000000',
open: '0.03623500',
high: '0.03659900',
low: '0.03126000',
volume: '100605.15000000',
volumeQuote: '3415.49097353',
openTime: 1514584420922,
closeTime: 1514670820922,
firstTradeId: 344803,
lastTradeId: 351380,
totalTrades: 6578
Retrieves all the tickers.
client.ws.allTickers(tickers => {
Live candle data feed for a given interval. You can pass either a symbol string or a symbol array.
client.ws.candles('ETHBTC', '1m', candle => {
eventType: 'kline',
eventTime: 1508613366276,
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
open: '0.04898000',
high: '0.04902700',
low: '0.04898000',
close: '0.04901900',
volume: '37.89600000',
trades: 30,
interval: '5m',
isFinal: false,
quoteVolume: '1.85728874',
buyVolume: '21.79900000',
quoteBuyVolume: '1.06838790'
Live trade data feed. Pass either a single symbol string or an array of symbols. The trade streams push raw trade information; each trade has a unique buyer and seller.
client.ws.trades(['BTCUSDT', 'ETHBTC'], trade => {
eventType: 'trade',
eventTime: 1570196993155,
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
tradeId: 145470107,
price: '0.02142700',
qty: '0.06300000',
buyerOrderId: 498249081,
sellerOrderId: 498249078,
tradeTime: 1570196993151,
isBuyerMaker: false,
isBestMatch: true
eventType: 'trade',
eventTime: 1570196993376,
symbol: 'BTCUSDT',
tradeId: 186166622,
price: '8138.30000000',
qty: '0.01722700',
buyerOrderId: 684614964,
sellerOrderId: 684614991,
tradeTime: 1570196993372,
isBuyerMaker: true,
isBestMatch: true
Live trade data feed. Pass either a single symbol string or an array of symbols. The aggregate trade streams push trade information that is aggregated for a single taker order.
client.ws.aggTrades(['BTCUSDT', 'ETHBTC'], trade => {
eventType: 'aggTrade',
eventTime: 1570197286258,
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
aggId: 132178432,
price: '0.02144000',
qty: '0.42500000',
firstTradeId: 145470333,
lastTradeId: 145470333,
tradeTime: 1570197286254,
isBuyerMaker: true,
isBestMatch: true
eventType: 'aggTrade',
eventTime: 1570197286697,
symbol: 'BTCUSDT',
aggId: 168291934,
price: '8160.04000000',
qty: '0.40000000',
firstTradeId: 186167448,
lastTradeId: 186167448,
tradeTime: 1570197286693,
isBuyerMaker: true,
isBestMatch: true
Live user messages data feed.
Requires authentication
const clean = await client.ws.user(msg => {
Note that this method returns a promise which will resolve the clean
eventType: 'account',
eventTime: 1508614885818,
balances: {
'123': { available: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },
'456': { available: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },
BTC: { available: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000' },
An utility error code map is also being exported by the package in order for you to make readable conditionals upon specific errors that could occur while using the API.
import Binance, { ErrorCodes } from 'binance-client'
console.log(ErrorCodes.INVALID_ORDER_TYPE) // -1116
We gonna update that section later! But here a quick signature representation! You can check it here (Declaration type file)! For more details (Use CTRL + F)
export interface FuturesWebSocket {
depth: (payload: { symbol: string, speed?: string }, callback: (depth: FWsDepth) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
partialDepth: (payload: { symbol: string, speed?: string, level?: number }, callback: (depth: FWsPartialDepth) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
markPrice: (payload: { symbol: string, speed?: string }, callback: (markPrice: MarkPrice) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
markPriceAll: (payload: { speed?: string, reduce?: boolean }, callback: (markPrices: MarkPrice[] | ReducedMarkPrice) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
candles: (symbol: string, interval: string, callback: (candle: FWsCandle) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
trades: (symbols: string, callback: (trade: FWsTrade) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
aggTrades: (symbols: string, callback: (trade: FWsAggregatedTrade) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
ticker: (symbol: string | string[], callback: (ticker: FWsTicker) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
miniTicker: (symbol: string, callback: (miniTicker: FWsMiniTicker) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
allMiniTickers: (callback: (miniTickers: FWsMiniTicker[]) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
allTickers: (callback: (tickers: FWsTicker[]) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
bookTicker: (symbol: string, callback: (bookTicker: FWsBookTicker) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
allBookTicker: (callback: (bookTickers: FWsBookTicker[]) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
liquidationOrder: (symbol: string, callback: (liquidationOrder: FWsLiquidationOrder) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
allLiquidationOrder: (callback: (liquidationOrders: FWsLiquidationOrder[]) => void) => FStreamReturnObj;
// ...
And you can check and compare with the official doc:
#### user data stream
client.fws.user((data) => {
// ...
##### Signature
user: (callback: (msg: FWSUserOrderUpdateData | FWSUserAccountUpdateData | FWSUserMarginCallEventData | { eventType: string, [prop: string]: any }) => void) => Promise<StreamReturnObj>;
Orders updates data :
export interface FWSUserOrderUpdateData {
eventTime: number,
transactTime: number,
order: FWSOrderUpdateOrder
export interface FWSOrderUpdateOrder {
symbol: string,
clientOrderId: string,
side: FOrderSide,
type: FOrderType
timeInForce: FTimeInForce,
origQty: string,
origPrice: string,
avgPrice: string,
stopPrice: string,
execType: FExecutionType,
status: FOrderStatus,
orderId: number,
lastFilledQty: string,
filledAccumulatedQty: string,
lastFilledPrice: string,
commissionAsset: string,
commission: string,
tradeTime: number,
tradeId: number,
bidNational: string,
askNational: string,
isMaker: boolean,
isReduceOnly: boolean,
stopPriceType: string // TODO: type
Account update data (Balance and Position Update):
export interface FWSUserAccountUpdateData {
eventType: 'ACCOUNT_UPDATE',
eventTime: number,
transactTime: number,
updateData: {
eventReasonType: FSWUserAccountUpdateEventReasonType,
balances: FWSUserAccountUpdateBalance[],
positions: FWSUserAccountUpdatePosition[]
export type FSWUserAccountUpdateEventReasonType =
export interface FWSUserAccountUpdateBalance {
asset: string,
balance: string,
crossWalletBalance: string
export interface FWSUserAccountUpdatePosition {
symbol: string,
positionAmount: string,
entryPrice: string,
preAccumulatedRealizedFee: string,
marginType: string,
isolatedWallet: string,
positionSide: FPositionSide,
Margin call Data:
export interface FWSUserMarginCallEventData {
eventType: 'MARGIN_CALL',
eventTime: number,
crossWalletBalance: string,
positions: FWSUserMarginCallEventPosition[]
export interface FWSUserMarginCallEventPosition{
symbol: string,
positionSide: FPositionSide,
positionAmount: string,
marginType: string,
isolatedWallet: string,
markPrice: string,
unrealizedPnL: string,
maintenanceMarginRequired: string
- When the user's position risk ratio is too high, this stream will be pushed.
- This message is only used as risk guidance information and is not recommended for investment strategies.
- In the case of a highly volatile market, there may be the possibility that the user's position has been liquidated at the same time when this stream is pushed out.
Balance and Position Update
Event type is ACCOUNT_UPDATE.
When balance or position get updated, this event will be pushed.
- ACCOUNT_UPDATE will be pushed only when update happens on user's account, including changes on balances, positions, or margin type.
- Unfilled orders or cancelled orders will not make the event ACCOUNT_UPDATE pushed, since there's no change on positions.
- Only positions of symbols with non-zero isolatd wallet or non-zero position amount will be pushed in the "position" part of the event ACCOUNT_UPDATE when any position changes.
When "FUNDING FEE" changes to the user's balance, the event will be pushed with the brief message:
- When "FUNDING FEE" occurs in a crossed position, ACCOUNT_UPDATE will be pushed with only the balance B(including the "FUNDING FEE" asset only), without any position P message.
- When "FUNDING FEE" occurs in an isolated position, ACCOUNT_UPDATE will be pushed with only the balance B(including the "FUNDING FEE" asset only) and the relative position message P( including the isolated position on which the "FUNDING FEE" occurs only, without any other position message).
The field "eventReasonType" represents the reason type for the event and may shows the following possible types:
When new order created, order status changed will push such event. event type is ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE.
Order Type
Execution Type
- CALCULATED - Liquidation Execution
Order Status
- NEW_INSURANCE - Liquidation with Insurance Fund
- NEW_ADL - Counterparty Liquidation`
Time in force
Working Type
To use a proxy we get to pass the agent object (http.Agent instance (or an object that inherit it))
And this is the way to use proxy with fetch or http.request!
(binance-client use fetch)
We do provide a helper for such agent creation
ProxyHttpAgent module!
Which wrap the tunnel module for more flexibility!
Note that to setup a proxy usage you need to pass the agent object as the last parameter of any function!
import { getProxyHttpAgent } = from 'proxy-http-agent';
import Binance from 'binance-client';
const client = Binance();
const proxyUrl = 'http://myCoolProxy.com:8123';
const agent getProxyHttpAgent({
proxy: proxyUrl
const candles = await client.candles(
{ symbol: 'ETHBTC' },
agent // here our agent object go as last param
Note too the proxy forwarding only work from nodejs!
Don't expect it to work in the browser!
As the browser platform have no support for proxy usages!
If you want to use proxy! You've got to pass through your own server to do that for you!
Because we may not know that! And expect it! And then wast time!