The two codes: - Face_Recognition - Image_Augmentaion
Are python codes that were written on the jupyter notebook.
To run these you have to copy and text the codes individually on python Be carefull, you have to install all the necessary libraries(Keras, sklearn, matplotlib...)
These codes have to be in the same directory(the way they are saved here) as the image folders:- GT_test - GT_train - GT_valid
which contain all the testing, training and validation images respectively.
The GT_train file was uploaded as a zip because of it's size, to run the program download and unzip in the same folder as all the other files used here
in case the [Face Recognition.ipynb] and [Image Augmentaion.ipynb] are giving errors when accessing on the GitHub link.
You can view them by copying this link for:
Face Recognition.ipynb: " "
Image Augmentaion.ipynb: " "
For the Image_Augmentaion code, their is no need to run it again, because the GT_train folder already contains augmented images, else it will save the same images twice.