Welcome to the Appium 2 Project Starting Guide! This document will help you set up the essential tools and dependencies for your project, along with providing details about utilities available in the project.
To start working with Appium 2, make sure to have the following tools installed:
Ensure that Java is installed and configured in your environment.
Install Android Studio for Android device emulation and SDK tools.
3. Node.js 
Download and install Node.js, required for running Appium.
Refer to the official documentation to understand Appium's capabilities and features.
Appium Inspector is a GUI tool for inspecting and interacting with elements of a mobile application.
UiAutomator is used for writing UI automation scripts in Android.
UiScrollable is helpful for automating scroll actions in Android apps.
The project includes a utilities package to simplify common tasks. Here are the main utilities:
A utility class for reading and parsing JSON files.
A utility class for reading properties from configuration files.
A custom actions class to handle interacting with elements, sendKeys, click, Scroll ...etc
- Clone the project repository.
git clone <repository-url>
- Install the required dependencies listed above.
- Set up your environment variables for Java, Android SDK, and Node.js.
- Start the Appium server and connect your device/emulator.
- Run the tests using your preferred IDE or command-line tool.