My minimal NixOS x Hyprland Dotfiles!
- General
- Figure out how to make everything keyboard-centric
- Ditch mouse?
- Somehow revive previous session if possible (hibernate?)
- Move the profile pics to assets, they're annoying. Move all assets to a single dir (
) - Make navigatable w/ vim motions
- Write an actual todo list
- Neovim
- Add (
), (snacks.nvim
) - Make your neovim life easier
- Remake keybinds
- Migrate from obsidian to nvim
- Add (
- Hyprland
- Automated script for window borders, gaps and rounding
- Nuke unneeded stuff
- Reformat config
- Actually configure
- Remake keybinds
- Auto brightness/warmth based on time
- fastfetch
- Redo config for minimalism instead of showoff
- Make an icon for this rice ("zenith") and show it
- Kitty
- Optimize for performance
- zsh
- Add cool stuff that makes shell life easier
- Setup omz properly on nixos :/
- ags
- Nuke the old config
- Sidebar "shybar"
- Autolaunch "whatcook"
- Lockscreen "loc" (name => minimalism)
- Notifd "ping"
- Plan other widgets l8r, make your essentials first
- Basically, switch from most guis to the terminal. My projects will be added as submodules.
- TUI music player in python
- cava config
- TUI clock, stw, tmr, etc in python
- TUI TODO program in python
- ^Plus integrated calendar
- Astronomy utils tui in python
- find a good system resource monitor
- nuke unnecessary stuff (cmatrix, hollywood,
- Miss cmatrix, bring it back
- Miss cava, bring it back
- TUI AI assistant
- Find a tui discord client too
- NixOS
- Reorganize nixos config
- Enable automatic updates (w/ desktop notif)
- Enable auto gc
- Theming
- Get a good wallpaper (live/dynamic based on time)
- Decide a name for this rice
- Create a logo too
- The date/time widget is a modified version of @kotontrion's design. Looks like kotontrion liked it, because my modifications are being used in kompass as well!