A terminal based tool to visualise mathematical functions.
- Matplotlib
- Pillow
- ImageTk
- Tkinter
- Clone the repository using
git clone https://github.com/NITDgpOS/PlotIt.git
- Enter into the repository and open in terminal
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install the only dependency (as of now) that is matplotlib, a python librarty to visualise graphs and PIL. If it is not working and is showing permission denied error, then trysudo pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Tkinter library is required for GUI components, if it is not already installed then install it
sudo apt-get install python-tk
- The project requires ImageTk. If it is not already installed then install it using
sudo apt-get install python-imaging-tk
Thats it, you are all set to go !!
At present PlotIt takes 4 command line arguments and can be executed as shown below.
python plotit.py -f '[function]' -s [starting_abcissa] -e [ending_abcissa] -z [step_size]
It is to be noted that if function contains more than one term for eg x**2 + x
then function
should be under single quotes.
Default values of starting abcissa, ending abcissa and step size are 0, 100 and 1.0 respectively
python plotit.py -f 'sin(x)'
python plotit.py -f 'x**2 + x'
python plotit.py -f 'cos(x)'
python plotit.py -f 'x**3 + x**2 + x'
python plotit.py -f 'exp(x)'
PlotIt also provides a simple GUI to enter your function and visualise it. In order to use GUI instead of terminal use the command given below.
python gui_main.py
Before going for GUI mode, make sure you have installed Tkinter, PIL and ImageTk as mentioned above.
If you want to contribute to this project then have a look here
PlotIt uses Flake8 as a code-linter. Before you commit your code, check the code against the linter rules by running the following command from the root
of the project.
flake8 .
If there are no violations, you are good to go! Otherwise you need to solve the violations before creating a pull request.
- Allowing user to customise plot
- Allowing user to plot multiple functions
- Adding a config (perhaps json) file to configure the app and visualisations
- Creating an interactive shell
- Enhancing GUI and adding more options