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Currently, unavailable to the public.
sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
pip install -U git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine
# If it gives you "Unsupported GNU version!" use
# export CC=g++-7; pip install git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine
sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine
cd MinkowskiEngine
pip install -U ./
# If it gives you "Unsupported GNU version!" use
# export CC=g++-7; pip install -U ./
- Install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit link
- By default, the NVIDIA Runtime is not available when running
docker build
. To mitigate this add"default-runtime": "nvidia"
to the Docker configuration file/etc/docker/daemon.json
"runtimes": {
"nvidia": {
"path": "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime",
"runtimeArgs": []
"default-runtime": "nvidia"
Make sure to restart the service after saving the file: sudo systemctl restart docker
- Create a
in a project folder with the following content:
FROM nvidia/cuda:10.2-devel
# https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/user-guide.html#dockerfiles
# With these variables you don't have to run the final image with the --gpus argument.
RUN apt update \
&& apt install -y python3.7 python3-pip git \
&& python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade --force pip
# Required by ME
RUN apt install -y libopenblas-dev python3.7-dev
# ME installation requires this.
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python && ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip
# Keeps Python from generating .pyc files in the container
# Turns off buffering for easier container logging
# Install pip requirements
ADD requirements.txt .
RUN python3.7 -m pip install torch
RUN export CXX=g++-7
RUN pip install git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/[email protected] --install-option="--blas=openblas"
RUN python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- In the folder, build the image by running
docker build -t me:latest .
- Start an interactive container by running:
docker run -it --rm ws
Confirm that it worked by executing: python -c "import MinkowskiEngine as ME; print(ME.__version__)"
and you should be greeted by the output 0.5.0b
sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
pip install MinkowskiEngine
sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
pip install -U git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine
# If it gives you "Unsupported GNU version!" use
# export CXX=g++-7; pip install git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine
Use the environment variable CXX
to control the compiler.
export CXX=g++-7; pip install git+https://github.com/StanfordVL/MinkowskiEngine
If you have multiple python versions and want to specify the version, define an environment variable to install the Minkowski Engine on the specified version.
export PYTHON=python3.7
$PYTHON setup.py install
To specify the number of parallel compilation jobs, set the environment variable MAX_JOBS
export MAX_JOBS=4; python setup.py install
export MAX_JOBS=4; pip install MinkowskiEngine
# export CXX=g++-7; If you have an older version of GCC.
pip install -U git+https://github.com/StanfordVL/MinkowskiEngine \
\ # if you want to force cuda installation
--install-option="--force_cuda" \
\ # if you want to force no cuda installation. force_cuda supercedes cpu_only
--install-option="--cpu_only" \
\ # optional when torch fails to find cuda_home.
--install-option="--cuda_home=<cuda_home>" \
\ # override to openblas, atlas, mkl, blas
--install-option="--blas=<blas>" \
\ # blas include and library path if default ones fail
--install-option="--blas_include_dirs=<csv>" \
conda install mkl mkl-include -c intel
conda install pytorch -c pytorch
git clone https://github.com/StanfordVL/MinkowskiEngine.git
cd MinkowskiEngine
python setup.py install --blas=mkl
If you are using pytorch v1.5 or lower, you might experience the following error when compiling MinkowskiEngine v0.5. This is an error in the pytorch, which has been fixed on pytorch v1.6 https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/36945/files.
Please install pytorch v1.6.
error: Command "/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -I/home/chrischoy/anaconda3/envs/py3-mink-reg/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/include -I/home/chrischoy/anaconda3/envs/py3-mink-reg/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/include/torch/csrc/api/include -I/home/chrischoy/anaconda3/envs/py3-mink-reg/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tor
ch/include/TH -I/home/chrischoy/anaconda3/envs/py3-mink-reg/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/include/THC -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I/home/chrischoy/projects/MinkowskiEngine/src -I/home/chrischoy/projects/MinkowskiEngine/src/3rdparty -I/home/chrischoy/anaconda3/envs/py3-mink-reg/include/python3.8 -c /home/chrischoy
/projects/MinkowskiEngine/src/math_functions_cpu.cpp -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.8/home/chrischoy/projects/MinkowskiEngine/src/math_functions_cpu.o -fopenmp -O3 -DTORCH_API_INCLUDE_EXTENSION_H -DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME=_C -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 -std=c++14" failed with exit status 1
NVCC version you are using might be lower than NVCC used for pytorch. You can specify the CUDA_ARCH using the following command
export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="5.2 6.0 6.1 7.0 7.5 8.0"; python setup.py install
/usr/local/cuda/include/crt/host_config.h:138:2: error: #error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc versions later than 8 are not supported!
sudo apt install g++-7
export CXX=gcc-7; python setup.py install
In a very rare case, you might get compilation errors
error: cannot call member function `void std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traints, _Alloc>::_Rep::_M_set_sharable() ....` without object
[2020-04-15] Got a report that using torch 1.3.1 solved the issue, but it is unclear what exactly caused the problem.
error: invalid static_cast from type ‘const torch::OrderedDict<std::basic_string<char>, at::Tensor>’ to type ‘torch::OrderedDict<std::basic_string<char>, at::Tensor>&
To install g++ > 6, https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-gcc-compiler-on-ubuntu-18-04/
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt update
sudo apt install g++-7
A related issue can be found at #124
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/basic_string.tcc:1067:16: error: cannot call member function ‘void std::basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc>::_Rep::_M_set_sharable() [with _CharT = char16_t; _Traits = std::char_traits<char16_t>; _Alloc = std::allocator<char16_t>]’ without object
Upgrade CUDA version >= 10.1.243
https://github.com/StanfordVL/MinkowskiEngine/issues/135 https://github.com/StanfordVL/MinkowskiEngine/issues/88