This repository provides a set of extensions and documents best practises for projects based on the AEM Boilderplate.
The repository structure follows the monorepo approach, meaning it contains multiple sub-modules. All of those sub-modules aim to be usable standalone. Using them in your project should be a "choose and cherry-pick" rather than an all or nothing.
For demo purposes most of the modules are installed on
As mentioned above each sub-module can be installed standalone but there is also a wrapper module to install all at once. Installation follows always the same approach documented in TODO:
In your own AEM project repository directory run
npm i @netcentric/eddys-<module>
The dependency will be downloaded and depending on its install script typically create a /libs
folder containing all the necessary scripts to use it. Some modules have some additional instructions about manuel integration steps. For these please refer to the documentation of the individual modules.
- Dependency installation and updates
- Extendable Blocks
- SPA integration
- Closed User Groups and Permissions (separate repository)
- CI --> npm ci, test and build
- CodeQL --> Perform CodeQL Analysis (Security, etc.)
- Release --> semantic-release:
- Creates release notes
- Updates package.json version
- Creates Git tag/release
- Publish package to NPM
- Manual Release --> same as Release, but can be triggered manually in Actions tab
- based on Angular Commit Message Conventions in commits -
- Commit message format is used to build:
- Release notes
- Changelog updates
- NPM package semver
<type>(<scope>): <short summary>
│ │ │
│ │ └─⫸ Summary in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
│ │
│ └─⫸ Commit Scope (optional): project|based|list
└─⫸ Commit Type: build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|test