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add prj file to compile a matlab package, close #60
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fangq committed May 3, 2020
1 parent 82dfdcc commit 34bca22
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Binary file added jsonlab-logo.png
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151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions jsonlab.prj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
<deployment-project plugin="plugin.toolbox" plugin-version="1.0">
<configuration build-checksum="3194702263" file="jsonlab.prj" location="." name="jsonlab" target="target.toolbox" target-name="Package Toolbox">
<param.authnamewatermark>Qianqian Fang</param.authnamewatermark>
<>[email protected]</>
<>Northeastern University</>
<param.summary>A native JSON/UBJSON/MassagePack encoder/decoder for MATLAB/Octave</param.summary>
<param.description>JSONLab is a free and open-source implementation of a JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack encoder and a decoder in the native MATLAB language. It can be used to convert a MATLAB data structure (array, struct, cell, struct array, cell array, and objects) into JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack formatted strings, or to decode a JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack file into MATLAB data structure. JSONLab supports both MATLAB and [ GNU Octave] (a free MATLAB clone).

JSON ([ JavaScript Object Notation]) is a highly portable, human-readable and [ "fat-free"] text format to represent complex and hierarchical data. It is as powerful as [ XML] but less verbose. JSON format is widely used for data-exchange in applications. UBJSON ([ Universal Binary JSON]) is a binary JSON format, specifically optimized for compact file size and better performance while keeping the semantics as simple as the text-based JSON format. Using the UBJSON format allows to wrap complex binary data in a flexible and extensible structure, making it possible to process complex and large dataset without accuracy loss due to text conversions. MessagePack is another binary JSON-like data format widely used in data exchange in web/native applications. It is slightly more compact than UBJSON, but is not directly readable compared to UBJSON.

We envision that both JSON and its binary counterparts will play important roles as mainstream data-exchange formats for scientific research.
It has both the flexibility and generality as offered by other popular general-purpose file specifications, such as [ HDF5] but with significantly reduced complexity and excellent readability.

Towards this goal, we have developed the JData Specification ( to standardize serializations of complex scientific data structures, such as N-D arrays, sparse/complex-valued arrays, trees, maps, tables and graphs using JSON/binary JSON constructs. The text and binary formatted JData files are syntactically compatible with JSON/UBJSON formats, and can be readily parsed using existing JSON and UBJSON parsers.

Please note that data files produced by `saveubjson` may utilize a special "optimized header" to store N-D (N&gt;1) arrays, as defined in the JData Specification Draft 2. This feature is not supported by UBJSON Specification Draft 12. To produce UBJSON files that can be parsed by UBJSON-Draft-12 compliant parsers, you must add the option `'NestArray',1 ` in the call to `saveubjson`.</param.description>
< />
< />
<param.products.version />
<param.platforms />
<param.examples />
<param.demosxml />
<param.apps />
<param.registered.apps />
< />
< />
<param.matlabpath.excludes />
<param.javaclasspath.excludes />
<param.release.start />
<param.release.end />
<param.authnamewatermark />
< />
< />
<param.output />
< />
< />
<param.products.version />
<param.platforms />
<param.exclude.pcodedmfiles />
<param.examples />
<param.demosxml />
<param.apps />
<param.registered.apps />
< />
< />
<param.matlabpath.excludes />
<param.javaclasspath.excludes />
<param.exported.on.package />
<param.release.start />
<param.release.end />
<param.release.current.only />
< />
<param.compatiblity.macos />
<param.compatiblity.linux />
<param.compatiblity.matlabonline />
<fileset.depfun.included />
<fileset.package />
<file location="." name="jsonlab.mltbx" optional="false">jsonlab.mltbx</file>
<workflow />
<toolboxes />

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