JSONLab Optimus Update 2
JSONlab ChangeLog (key features marked by *):
== JSONlab 1.2 (codename: Optimus - Update 2), FangQ <q.fang (at) neu.edu> ==
2015/12/16 replacing string concatenation by str cells to gain 2x speed in savejson (Issue #17)
2015/12/11 fix FileName option case bug (SVN rev#495)
2015/12/11 add SingletCell option, add SingletArray to replace NoRowBracket (Issue #15,#8)
2015/11/10 fix bug for inerpreting file names as JSON string - by Mykhailo Bratukha (Pull #14)
2015/10/16 fix bug for cell with transposed data - by Insik Kim (Pull #12)
2015/09/25 support exporting matlab object to JSON - by Sertan Senturk (Pull #10, #11)