This repository is for the CIR Converter service Python FastAPI application
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple steps.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Python: Version specified in
. We recommend using pyenv for managing Python versions. - Poetry: This is used to manage package dependencies and virtual environments.
- Docker
- Operation System: Ubuntu/MacOS
Clone the repository and install the required dependencies.
git clone
Install dependencies
Poetry is used to manage dependencies in this project. For more information, read the Poetry documentation.
To install all dependencies, including development dependencies, run:
make install-dev
To install only production dependencies, run:
make install
Set the LOG_LEVEL to INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR (If the log level is not set, it will be set to INFO by default.)
Run the application
make run
Get started with development by running the following commands.
Before proceeding, make sure you have the development dependencies installed using the make install-dev
A Makefile is provided to simplify common development tasks. To view all available commands, run:
The unit tests are written using the pytest framework. To run the tests and check coverage, run:
make test
Various tools are used to lint and format the code in this project.
The project uses Ruff, pylint and black for linting and formatting of the Python code.
The tools are configured using the pyproject.toml
To lint the Python code, run:
make lint
To auto-format the Python code, and correct fixable linting issues, run:
make format
MegaLinter is utilised to lint the non-python files in the project. It offers a single interface to execute a suite of linters for multiple languages and formats, ensuring adherence to best practices and maintaining consistency across the repository without the need to install each linter individually.
MegaLinter examines various file types and tools, including GitHub Actions, Shell scripts, Dockerfile, etc. It is
configured using the .mega-linter.yml
To run MegaLinter, ensure you have Docker installed on your system.
Note: The initial run may take some time to download the Docker image. However, subsequent executions will be considerably faster due to Docker caching. 🚀
To start the linter and automatically rectify fixable issues, run:
make megalint
make docker-build
make docker-compose-up
- Navigate to http://localhost:5010/docs to view the FastAPI application
- View the API endpoints available and test to see the response
make docker-compose-down
See for details.
See LICENSE for details.