#Installing spreads for ubuntu 14.04 from scratch the exact spreads git revision i am using here in the tutorial is: 3a2b9e075c3de0fa9dc81921d598ac559fdc87b3
this documentation shows howto install spreads for ubuntu 14.04. It's heavily based on the following resources:
##sources: readthedocs
important diybookscanner forum entry
starting from a clean 14.04 system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
afterwards I did a restart (I always do so when kernel is upgraded)
now install all dependcies
sudo apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev python-virtualenv \
python-tk idle python-pmw python-imaging \
python-pip libpython2.7-dev libusb-dev \
libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libqt4-core ruby ruby-dev ruby-rmagick \
libmagickwand-dev \
ruby-hpricot scantailor lua5.2 git
next install pdfbeads
sudo gem install pdfbeads
next install latest djvubind (for me was 1.2.1)
wget http://djvubind.googlecode.com/files/djvubind_1.2.1.deb
sudo dpkg -i djvubind_1.2.1.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo dpkg -i djvubind_1.2.1.deb
Next install latest chdkptp. Go to website, for me it was version v650 (chdkptp-r650-Linux-x86_64.zip), from www.assembla unzip to /usr/local/lib/chdkptp
sudo unzip chdkptp-r650-Linux-x86_64.zip -d /usr/local/lib/chdkptp
install latest canvas draw, mine was 5.8
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/canvasdraw/5.8/Linux%20Libraries/cd-5.8_Linux35_64_lib.tar.gz
sudo tar zxf cd-5.8_Linux35_64_lib.tar.gz -C /usr/local/lib/chdkptp
next install IUP - portable user interface in the latest version, mine was 3.11
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/iup/3.11/Linux%20Libraries/iup-3.11_Linux35_64_lib.tar.gz
sudo tar zxf iup-3.11_Linux35_64_lib.tar.gz -C /usr/local/lib/chdkptp
add the /usr/local/lib/chdkptp path to the systems dynamic library search path
create and open a new file
sudo nano /etc/ld.so.conf.d/spreads.conf
add the line
reload the system-wide libraries paths
sudo ldconfig
now install libyaml
wget http://pyyaml.org/download/libyaml/yaml-0.1.5.tar.gz
tar xvf yaml-0.1.5.tar.gz
cd yaml-0.1.5
sudo make install
finally install spreads in an virtualenv, create a new one
virtualenv ~/.spreads
source ~/.spreads/bin/activate
install further dependancies for spreads (ignore warnings)
sudo apt-get install python-psutil libffi-dev python-usb libturbojpeg
fix problems with the libturbojpeg dyn lib
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libturbojpeg.so.0.0.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libturbojpeg.so
install further python modules for spread
pip install pycparser
pip install cffi
pip install jpegtran-cffi
update for python usb
pip install --upgrade --pre pyusb
enable spreads GUI packages by installing PySide and fixing symbolic link problem
sudo apt-get install python-pyside
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PySide ~/.spreads/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PySide
add current user to staff group (the word ´username´ must be replaced by the current username)
sudo adduser username staff
now add the lua env variable to the global path in order that the chdkptp command will work open the file
vi ~/.bashrc
export CHDKPTP_DIR=/usr/local/lib/chdkptp
export LUA_PATH="$CHDKPTP_DIR/lua/?.lua"
source ~/.spreads/bin/activate
open a new shell or type
source ~/.bashrc
we need some more python modules for the spread web plugin
pip install Flask
pip install tornado
pip install requests
pip install waitress
pip install zipstream
pip install Wand
pip install Flask-Compress
now install spreads by checking out the github repos than compiling the web client first than ´pip installing´ the rest. we have to do this because of a bug in the current web client (as of revision 3a2b9e075c3de0fa9dc81921d598ac559fdc87b3, see issue 126) first we need to install the node.js program, than we change the makefile for the client because the tests do not work at the moment and will therefore not allow to complete compilation. We than compile the client using the modified makefile. Than we install spreads with the compiled client,
install node.js
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
now change the makefile, compile the client and install spreads with the manual-compiled client
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/DIYBookScanner/spreads.git
sed -Ei 's/(all: )test (development production)/\1\2/g' spreads/spreadsplug/web/client/Makefile
cd spreads/spreadsplug/web/client
make clean
make all
cd /tmp/spreads
pip install .
now run the spreads configuration program
spread configure
in the program set
- step 1 select : chdkcamera
- step 2 select : scantailor, tesseract, gui, autorotate, web
- step 3 select : select order - autorotate,scantailor,tesseract
- step 4 and 5 select : no for both camera questions (target_page and focus)
this will save the config as config.yaml.
now its time to configure the cameras
Before rerunning the spreads config program again first make sure if you can use the chdkptp program.
First before using chdkptp in Ubuntu 14.04 you have to kill gphoto in order to gain access to the chdk-enabled cameras otherwise you will not be able to use them (gphoto2 will block access to the cameras for all other processes)
ps aux | grep gphoto
kill -9 <PID of gphoto2 process>
I use the Canon A2200, enable CHDK in your camera (click here - section Using CHKD), plug in the micro USB after enabling (I use firmware update method) than plug in the other USB end into your computer, than run the chdkptp program to test if it is installed correctly.
now click on Connect button.
If it is running without problems end the program.
Now restart the spread configure program again, enable CHDK in your camera, than connect to the computer (if not done already) and configure target_page and focus. Should give no errors if camera and CHDK has been setup correctly.