Lightning ⚡ (aka "OpenFn v2") is a workflow automation platform that's used to automate critical business processes and integrate information systems. From last-mile services to national-level reporting, it boosts efficiency & effectiveness while enabling secure, stable, scalable interoperability and data integration at all levels.
Use it online at
Explore in a sandbox on
Or learn more at
OpenFn Lightning is:
- the latest version of OpenFn: first launched in 2014, it's been tried and tested by NGOs and governments in 40+ countries
- fully open source: there's no "community edition" and "premium edition", you get the same product whether you are self-hosting or using the software-as-a-service
- the leading DPGA certified Digital Public Good for workflow automation
- a Digital Square certified Global Good for Health
- Demo
- Features
- Getting Started
- Security and Standards
- Contribute to this project
- Server Specs for Self-Hosting
- Benchmarking
- Troubleshooting
- Support
Watch a short demo video or explore a public sandbox with the login details below, but please note that this deployment is reset every night at 12:00:00 UTC and is 100% publicly accessible. Don't build anything you want to keep, or keep private!
username: [email protected]
password: welcome12345
Plan and build workflows using Lightning's visual interface to quickly define when, where and what you want your automation to do.
Use our CLI to quickly build, edit and deploy projects from the comfort of your own code editor.
Monitor all workflow activity in one place.
- Filter and search runs to identify issues that need addressing and follow how a specific request has been processed
- Configure alerts to be notified on run failures
- Receive a project digest for a daily/weekly/monthly summary of your project activity
Manage users and access by project.
Authorization is a central part of Lightning. As such, users are given different roles which determine what level of access they have for resources in the application. For more details about roles and permissions in Lightning, please refer to our documentation.
View our public GitHub project to see what we're working on now and what's coming next.
- If you only want to RUN Lightning on your own server, we recommend using Docker.
- If you want to DEPLOY Lightning, we recommend Docker builds and Kubernetes.
- If you want to CONTRIBUTE to the project, we recommend running Lightning on your local machine.
- Install the latest version of Docker
- Clone this repo using git
- Setup PostgreSQL database with:
docker compose build && docker compose run --rm web mix ecto.migrate
- Run Lightning and PostgresSQL with:
docker compose up
By default the application will be running at localhost:4000.
See "Problems with Docker" for additional
troubleshooting help. Note that you can also create your own
file, configuring a postgres database and using a
pre-built image
from Dockerhub.
Head to the Deploy section of our docs site to get started.
For technical guidelines, see deployment considerations for more detailed information.
git clone [email protected]:OpenFn/Lightning.git # or from YOUR fork!
cd Lightning
cp .env.example .env # and adjust as necessary!
Take note of database names and ports in particular—they've got to match across your Postgres setup and your ENVs. You can run lightning without any ENVs assuming a vanilla postgres setup (see below), but you may want to make adjustments.
If you're already using Postgres locally, create a new database called
, for example.
If you'd rather use Docker to set up a Postgres DB, create a new volume and image:
docker volume create lightning-postgres-data
docker create \
--name lightning-postgres \
--mount source=lightning-postgres-data,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data \
--publish 5432:5432 \
docker start lightning-postgres
We use asdf to configure our local
environments. Included in the repo is a .tool-versions
file that is read by
asdf in order to dynamically make the specified versions of Elixir and Erlang
available. You'll need asdf plugins for
Elixir and
We use libsodium for encoding values as required
by the
Github API.
You'll need to install libsodium
in order for the application to compile.
For Mac Users:
brew install libsodium
For Debian Users:
sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev
You can find more on how to install libsodium here
asdf install # Install language versions
Lightning is a web app. To run it in interactive Elixir mode, start the development server by running with your environment variables by running:
iex -S mix phx.server
or if you have set up custom environment variables, run:
env $(cat .env | grep -v "#" | xargs ) iex -S mix phx.server
Once the server has started, head to localhost:4000
in your browser.
Before the first time running the tests, you need a test database setup.
MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.create
And then after that run the tests using:
MIX_ENV=test mix test
We also have
installed which can be used to rerun the tests on file
We use a host of common Elixir static analysis tools to help us avoid common pitfalls and make sure we keep everything clean and consistent.
In addition to our test suite, you can run the following commands:
mix format --check-formatted
Code formatting checker, run again without the--check-formatted
flag to have your code automatically changed.mix dialyzer
Static analysis for type mismatches and other common warnings. See dialyxir.mix credo --strict --all
Static analysis for consistency, and coding standards. See Credo.mix sobelow
Check for commonly known security exploits. See Sobelow.MIX_ENV=test mix coveralls
Test coverage reporter. This command also runs the test suite, and can be used in place ofmix test
when checking everything before pushing your code. See excoveralls.
For convenience there is a
mix task that runs all of the above and defaults theMIX_ENV
For more guidance on security best practices for workflow automation implementations, check out OpenFn Docs:
First, thanks for being here! You're contributing to a digital public good that will always be free and open source and aimed at serving innovative NGOs, governments, and social impact organizations the world over! You rock. ❤️
FYI, Lightning is built in Elixir, harnessing the Phoenix Framework. Currently, the only unbundled dependency is a PostgreSQL database.
If you'd like to contribute to this projects, follow the steps below:
Read through the existing issues, assign yourself to the issue you have chosen. Leave a comment on the issue to let us know you'll be working on it, and if you have any questions of clarifications that would help you get started ask them there - we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If there isn't already an issue for the feature you would like to contribute, please start a discussion in our community forum.
Clone the Lightning repository, then fork it.
Run through setting up your environment and make your changes.
Make sure you have written your tests and updated / (in the 'Unreleased' section, add a short description of the changes you are making, along with a link to your issue).
Open a draft pull request by clicking "Contribute > Open Pull Request" from your forked repository. Fill out the pull request template (this will be added automatically for you), then make sure to self-review your code and go through the 'Review checklist'. Don't worry about the QA checkbox, our product manager Amber will tick that once she has reviewed your PR. You can leave any notes for the reviewer in a comment.
Once you're ready to submit a pull request, you can mark your draft PR as 'Ready for review' and assign @stuartc or @taylordowns2000.
You can generate the HTML and EPUB documentation locally using:
mix docs
and opening doc/index.html
in your browser.
For recommend server specifications for self-hosting of Lightning, head to the deployment planning section of the documentation or check out this self-hosting thread on our community forum.
We are using k6 to benchmark Lightning. Under benchmarking
folder you can find a script for benchmarking Webhook Workflows.
See Benchmarking for more detailed information.
For troubleshooting custom environment variable configuration it's important to know how an Elixir app loads and modifies configuration. The order is as follows:
- Stuff in
is loaded. - That is then modified (think: overwritten) by stuff your ENV-specific
. - That is then modified by
which is where you are allowed to useSystem.env()
- Finally
(if present in a child application) gets called (which takes the config which has been set in steps 1-3) when that child application is started during the parent app startup defined inapplication.ex
If you're having connecting issues with Postgres, check the database section of
your .env
to ensure the DB url is correctly set for your environment — note
that composing a DB url out of other, earlier declared variables, does not work
while using xargs
If you're getting this error on debian
==> earmark_parser
Compiling 1 file (.yrl)
/usr/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.3.1/include/yeccpre.hrl: no such file or directory
could not compile dependency :earmark_parser, "mix compile" failed. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile earmark_parser", update it with "mix deps.update earmark_parser" or clean it with "mix deps.clean earmark_parser"
You need to install erlang development environment sudo apt install erlang-dev
refer to this issue
The build may not work on old versions of Docker and Docker compose. It has been tested against:
Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
Docker Compose version v2.6.0
If you're actively working with docker, you start experiencing issues, and you would like to start from scratch you can clean up everything and start over like this:
# To remove any ignored files and reset your .env to it's example
git clean -fdx && cp .env.example .env
# You can skip the line below if you want to keep your database
docker compose down --rmi all --volumes
docker compose build --no-cache web && \
docker compose create --force-recreate
docker compose run --rm web mix ecto.migrate
docker compose up
When running docker compose up
on Apple Silicon (M1, M2, M3), you might encounter the following error:
> [web 20/20] RUN npm install --prefix assets:
0.091 rosetta error: failed to open elf at /lib64/
0.091 Trace/breakpoint trap
failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c npm install --prefix assets" did not complete successfully: exit code: 133
You can solve this by setting the default docker platform to linux/amd64
, i.e. DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
You can read more on this here:
You might also run into:
[notice] Application ssl exited: exited in: :ssl_app.start(:normal, [])
** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
** (ArgumentError) could not call Module.put_attribute/3 because the module Lightning.MixProject is already compiled
(elixir 1.16.2) lib/module.ex:2360: Module.assert_not_readonly!/2
(elixir 1.16.2) lib/module.ex:2041: Module.__put_attribute__/5
(ssl 11.1.4) ssl_app.erl:35: :ssl_app.stop/1
(kernel 9.2.4) application_master.erl:293: :application_master.start_it_old/4
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, {:ssl, {:bad_return, {{:ssl_app, :start, [:normal, []]}, {:EXIT, {%ArgumentError{message: "could not call Module.put_attribute/3 because the module Lightning.MixProject is already compiled"}, [{Module, :assert_not_readonly!, 2, [file: ~c"lib/module.ex", line: 2360]}, {Module, :__put_attribute__, 5, [file: ~c"lib/module.ex", line: 2041]}, {:ssl_app, :stop, 1, [file: ~c"ssl_app.erl", line: 35]}, {:application_master, :start_it_old, 4, [file: ~c"application_master.erl", line: 293]}]}}}}}}
You can resolve this by setting ERL_FLAGS="+JPperf true"
env to the failing stage.
You can follow this thread on our community forum for more info:
When running mix compile.rambo
on Apple Silicon (an Apple M1/M2, macarm
) and encountering the following error:
** (RuntimeError) Rambo does not ship with binaries for your environment.
aarch64-apple-darwin22.3.0 detected
Install the Rust compiler so a binary can be prepared for you.
lib/mix/tasks/compile.rambo.ex:89: Mix.Tasks.Compile.Rambo.compile!/0
(mix 1.14.2) lib/mix/task.ex:421: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/4
(mix 1.14.2) lib/mix/cli.ex:84: Mix.CLI.run_task/2
You can resolve this error by installing the Rust compiler using Homebrew. Run
the following command in your terminal: brew install rust
If you have already compiled Rambo explicitly via mix compile.rambo
, and you
are still seeing the following error:
sh: /path_to_directory/Lightning/_build/dev/lib/rambo/priv/rambo: No such file or directory
sh: line 0: exec: /path_to_directory/Lightning/_build/dev/lib/rambo/priv/rambo: cannot execute: No such file or directory
You can try renaming deps/rambo/priv/rambo-mac
to deps/rambo/priv/rambo
If neither of the approaches above work, please raise an issue.
If you have any questions, feedback, or issues, please:
- Post on the OpenFn Community at
- Open an issue directly on this GitHub Repo: