OutlierDetection.jl is a Julia toolkit for detecting outlying objects, also known as anomalies. This package is an effort to make Julia a first-class citizen in the Outlier- and Anomaly-Detection community. Why should you use this package?
- Provides a unified API for outlier detection in Julia
- Provides access to state-of-the-art outlier detection algorithms
- Seamlessly integrates with Julia's existing machine learning ecosystem
If you use OutlierDetection.jl in a scientific publication, we appreciate citations to:
title={OutlierDetection.jl: A modular outlier detection ecosystem for the Julia programming language},
author={Muhr, David and Affenzeller, Michael and Blaom, Anthony D},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.04550},
Muhr, David, Michael Affenzeller, and Anthony D. Blaom. "OutlierDetection.jl: A modular outlier detection ecosystem for the Julia programming language." arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.04550 (2022).
It is recommended to use Pkg.jl for installation. Follow the command below to install the latest official release or use ] add OutlierDetection
in the Julia REPL.
import Pkg
If you would like to modify the package locally, you can use Pkg.develop("OutlierDetection")
or ] dev OutlierDetection
in the Julia REPL. This fetches a full clone of the package to ~/.julia/dev/
(the path can be changed by setting the environment variable JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR
OutlierDetection.jl is built on top of MLJ and provides many Detector
implementations for MLJ. A Detector
simply assigns a real-valued score to each sample, which is defined to be increasing with increasing outlierness. The detectors live in sub-packages of OutlierDetectionJL, e.g. OutlierDetectionNeighbors,and can be loaded directly with MLJ, as shown below.
using MLJ
using OutlierDetection
using OutlierDetectionData: ODDS
# download and open the thyroid benchmark dataset
X, y = ODDS.load("thyroid")
# use 50% of the data for training
train, test = partition(eachindex(y), 0.5, shuffle=true)
# load the detector
KNN = @iload KNNDetector pkg=OutlierDetectionNeighbors
# instantiate a detector with default parameters, returning scores
knn = KNN()
# bind the detector to data and learn a model with all data
knn_raw = machine(knn, X) |> fit!
# transform data to raw outlier scores based on the test data; note that there
# is no `predict` defined for raw detectors
transform(knn_raw, rows=test)
# OutlierDetection.jl provides helper functions to normalize the scores,
# for example using min-max scaling based on the training scores
knn_probas = machine(ProbabilisticDetector(knn), X) |> fit!
# predict outlier probabilities based on the test data
predict(knn_probas, rows=test)
# OutlierDetection.jl also provides helper functions to turn scores into classes,
# for example by imposing a threshold based on the training data percentiles
knn_classifier = machine(DeterministicDetector(knn), X) |> fit!
# predict outlier classes based on the test data
predict(knn_classifier, rows=test)
It is also possible to use OutlierDetection.jl without MLJ, however, note that more explicit steps are necessary.
using OutlierDetection: fit, transform, scale_minmax, classify_quantile, outlier_fraction
using OutlierDetectionNeighbors: KNNDetector # explicitly import detector
using OutlierDetectionData: ODDS
X, y = ODDS.load("thyroid")
knn = KNNDetector()
# explicit conversion to a native array is necessary
# note that we are using the transposed data, because column-major data is expected
Xmatrix = Matrix(X)'
# explicit fit result and training scores
model, scores_train = fit(knn, Xmatrix[:, 11:end]; verbosity = 0)
# transform the first 10 points to scores (not used for training)
scores_test = transform(knn, model, Xmatrix[:, 1:10])
# explicitly normalize train and test scores
proba_train, proba_test = scale_minmax((scores_train, scores_test))
# explicitly convert scores to labels (> 95th percentile would be an outlier)
labels_train, labels_test = classify_quantile(0.95)((scores_train, scores_test))
Algorithms marked with '✓' are implemented in Julia. Algorithms marked with '✓ (py)' are implemented in Python (thanks to the wonderful PyOD library) with an existing Julia interface through PyCall. If you would like to know more, open the detector reference.
Name | Description | Year | Status | Authors |
CD | Cook's distance | 1977 | ✓ (py) | Dennis R. Cook |
LMDD | Linear deviation-based outlier detection | 1996 | ✓ (py) | Arning et al. |
KNN | Distance-based outliers | 1997 | ✓ | Knorr and Ng |
MCD | Minimum covariance determinant | 1999 | ✓ (py) | Rousseeuw and Driessen |
KNN | Distance to the k-th nearest neighbor | 2000 | ✓ | Ramaswamy |
LOF | Local outlier factor | 2000 | ✓ | Breunig et al. |
OCSVM | One-Class support vector machine | 2001 | ✓ (py) | Schölkopf et al. |
KNN | Sum of distances to the k-nearest neighbors | 2002 | ✓ | Angiulli and Pizzuti |
COF | Connectivity-based outlier factor | 2002 | ✓ | Tang et al. |
LOCI | Local correlation integral | 2003 | ✓ (py) | Papadimitirou et al. |
CBLOF | Cluster-based local outliers | 2003 | ✓ (py) | He et al. |
PCA | Principal component analysis | 2003 | ✓ (py) | Shyu et al. |
KDE | Kernel Density Estimation | 2007 | ✓ (py) | Latecki et al. |
IForest | Isolation forest | 2008 | ✓ (py) | Liu et al. |
ABOD | Angle-based outlier detection | 2009 | ✓ | Kriegel et al. |
SOD | Subspace outlier detection | 2009 | ✓ (py) | Kriegel et al. |
HBOS | Histogram-based outlier score | 2012 | ✓ (py) | Goldstein and Dengel |
SOS | Stochastic outlier selection | 2012 | ✓ (py) | Janssens et al. |
AE | Auto-encoder reconstruction loss outliers | 2015 | ✓ | Aggarwal |
ABOD | Stable angle-based outlier detection | 2015 | ✓ | Li et al. |
GMM | Gaussian Mixture Model | 2015 | ✓ (py) | Aggarwal and Sathe |
LODA | Lightweight on-line detector of anomalies | 2016 | ✓ (py) | Pevný |
INNE | Isolation-based nearest neighbors | 2018 | ✓ (py) | Bandaragoda et al. |
DeepSAD | Deep semi-supervised anomaly detection | 2019 | ✓ | Ruff et al. |
COPOD | Copula-based outlier detection | 2020 | ✓ (py) | Li et al. |
ROD | Rotation-based outlier detection | 2020 | ✓ (py) | Almardeny et al. |
ESAD | End-to-end semi-supervised anomaly detection | 2020 | ✓ | Huang et al. |
ECOD | Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions | 2022 | ✓ (py) | Li et al. |
If there are already so many algorithms available in Python - why Julia, you might ask? Let's have some fun!
using OutlierDetection, MLJ
using BenchmarkTools: @benchmark
X = rand(10, 100000)
LOF = @iload LOFDetector pkg=OutlierDetectionNeighbors
PyLOF = @iload LOFDetector pkg=OutlierDetectionPython
lof = machine(LOF(k=5, algorithm=:kdtree, leafsize=30, parallel=true), X) |> fit!
pylof = machine(PyLOF(n_neighbors=5, algorithm="kd_tree", leaf_size=30, n_jobs=-1), X) |> fit!
Julia enables you to implement your favorite algorithm in no time, and it will be fast, blazingly fast.
@benchmark transform(lof, X)
> median time: 341.464 ms (0.00% GC)
Interoperating with Python is easy!
@benchmark transform(pylof, X)
> median time: 7.934 s (0.00% GC)
OutlierDetection.jl is a community effort and your help is extremely welcome! See our contribution guide for more information how to contribute to the project.
Thanks go to these wonderful people (emoji key):
David Muhr 💻 |
Páll Haraldsson 📖 |
Anthony Blaom, PhD 💻 |
Pietro Monticone 📖 |
Petr Mukhachev 📖 |
Tyler Thomas 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!