AzureDevOps is a very simple (and primitive) PowerShell module to interact with the Azure DevOps REST API.
Install the module
Install-Module AzureDevOps
Import the module
Import-Module AzureDevOps
Add connection details
# Add Azure DevOps connection details Add-AzureDevOpsAccount ` -OrganisationName "contoso" ` -ProjectName "AzureDevOps PowerShell Demo" ` -UserName "[email protected]" ` -Token "<azure-devops-personal-access-token>";
Check out the examples in the Examples folder.
Or, check out the list of available cmdlets
Get-Command *AzureDevOps*
to see details for the cmdlets.Get-Help Add-AzureDevOpsAccount -Detailed
Documentation for the individual commands is available in the Docs folder.
- Azure DevOps CLI
- Azure DevOps Services REST API Reference
- Azure DevOps Developer resources documentation | Microsoft Learn
- How to use the Azure DevOps REST API with PowerShell | YouTube
- vsteam - A comprehensive PowerShell module for accessing TFS and VSTS.
- AzureDevOpsPowerShell - A selection of PowerShell scripts that make use of the Azure DevOps (TFS/VSTS) APIs.
- vststools-cli - A set of useful command-line tools and extensions for VSTS.
- AzurePipelinesPS - A PowerShell module that makes interfacing with Azure Pipelines a little easier