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219 lines (152 loc) · 7.01 KB

File metadata and controls

219 lines (152 loc) · 7.01 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
deleteTemplate DELETE /public/v1/templates/{id} Delete Template
detailsTemplate GET /public/v1/templates/{id}/details Details Template
listTemplates GET /public/v1/templates List Templates


void deleteTemplate()

Delete a template


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.TemplatesApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.TemplatesApiDeleteTemplateRequest = {
  // string | Template ID
  id: "EE8yUNg5HztqVAuH85He8V",

apiInstance.deleteTemplate(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Template ID defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
204 No content -
400 Bad Request -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
429 Too Many Requests -

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TemplateDetailsResponse detailsTemplate()

Return detailed data about a template.


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.TemplatesApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.TemplatesApiDetailsTemplateRequest = {
  // string | Template ID
  id: "EE8yUNg5HztqVAuH85He8V",

apiInstance.detailsTemplate(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
id [string] Template ID defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
401 Authentication error -
403 Permission error -
404 Not found -
429 Too Many Requests -

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TemplateListResponse listTemplates()

Optionally, filter by a search query or tags.


import * as pd_api from 'pandadoc-node-client';

// replace it with your API key
const configuration = pd_api.createConfiguration(
    { authMethods: {apiKey: `API-Key ${API_KEY}`} }
const apiInstance = new pd_api.TemplatesApi(configuration);

const body:pd_api.TemplatesApiListTemplatesRequest = {
  // string | Optional search query. Filter by template name. (optional)
  q: "Sample onboarding template",
  // boolean | Returns only the shared templates. (optional)
  shared: true,
  // boolean | Optional. Returns only the deleted templates. (optional)
  deleted: true,
  // number | Optionally, specify how many templates to return. Default is 50 templates, maximum is 100 templates. (optional)
  count: 10,
  // number | Optionally, specify which page of the dataset to return. (optional)
  page: 1,
  // string | Optionally, specify template ID. (optional)
  id: "e9LxBesSL73AeZMzeYdfvV",
  // string | UUID of the folder where the templates are stored. (optional)
  folderUuid: "xDKHoJ8DkwhiTQSUzNveCJ",
  // Array<string> | Optional search tag. Filter by template tag. (optional)
  tag: [
  // string | A comma-separated list of additional fields to include in the response.  Each field must be a valid template property.  Currently, only one additional field, `content_date_modified`, is supported.  For example, `GET /templates?fields=content_date_modified`. (optional)
  fields: "fields_example",

apiInstance.listTemplates(body).then((data) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: %o', data);
}).catch((error) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
q [string] Optional search query. Filter by template name. (optional) defaults to undefined
shared [boolean] Returns only the shared templates. (optional) defaults to undefined
deleted [boolean] Optional. Returns only the deleted templates. (optional) defaults to undefined
count [number] Optionally, specify how many templates to return. Default is 50 templates, maximum is 100 templates. (optional) defaults to undefined
page [number] Optionally, specify which page of the dataset to return. (optional) defaults to undefined
id [string] Optionally, specify template ID. (optional) defaults to undefined
folderUuid [string] UUID of the folder where the templates are stored. (optional) defaults to undefined
tag Array<string> Optional search tag. Filter by template tag. (optional) defaults to undefined
fields [string] A comma-separated list of additional fields to include in the response. Each field must be a valid template property. Currently, only one additional field, `content_date_modified`, is supported. For example, `GET /templates?fields=content_date_modified`. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



apiKey, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 OK -
401 Authentication error -
429 Too Many Requests -

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