Take notes for emacs org-mode using pop-ups
- Take notes very very fast
- Clipboard inserted in template by default
- No limitations of Org Capture Protocol, where data is only carried by one variable (body) and line breaks, tabs etc. not allowed.
- No Running client is needed
- Verify note before adding. If use %x of org-capture, it is sometime empty, specially when client is not running.
- Highly configurable, like include todo, title, line breaks etc.
- xsel - For access clipboard content
- yad - For create popup
- Create Org Template
(setq org-capture-templates
'(("s" "Simple" entry (file+headline "~/test" "Simple Notes")
"%[~/.emacs.d/.org-popup]" :immediate-finish t :prepend t)
("a" "Titled" entry (file+headline "~/test" "Titled Notes")
"%[~/.emacs.d/.org-popup]" :immediate-finish t :prepend t)))
- Running org-popup
org-popup s
org-popup a titled
For save note press - "Ctrl + Shift + Enter"
For Cancel press - "Esc"
Assign these commands to keyboard hot-keys, and take note from anywhere, like while reading ebook or surfing net.