This is the code repository for the approximate query processing paper titled 'ShadowAQP: Efficient Approximate Group-by and Join Query via Attribute-oriented Sample Size Allocation and Data Generation'.
This project is built on an open source machine learning framework PyTorch.
- OS CentOS 7.5.1804
- Apache Spark 2.3.2
- Hive 3.1.2
- PyTorch 1.8.0
- Numpy 1.19.5
- Pandas 1.1.5
- Keras 2.6.0
- Sklearn
Clone source code
git clone
Prepare the raw exact query result (under
) and data -
Config the query configuration files
to define a query and config the training configuration files of involved tablesconfig/train/xxx.json
to guide the training as in below. -
Train the models
python ./config/query/xxx.json # set the 'train_flag' in config/train/xxx.json to 'train'
Execute the query
python ./config/query/xxx.json # set the 'train_flag' in config/train/xxx.json to 'load'
ShadowAQP proceeds into two phases: the model training phase (offline) and the sample generation phase (online).
- The model training phase (offline)
- In model traing phase, ShadowAQP learns the underlying probability distribution of a table.
- The model training phase includes three stages: the labeling stage, the encoding stage, and the learning stage.
- The sample generation phase (online)
- In sample generation phase, ShadowAQP generates sample tuples based on the learned conditional probability distribution.
- The sample generation phase includes the sampling stage, the decoding stage, and the execution stage.
Labeling Stage
The goal of this stage is to label tuples in the table, which is necessary because traditional conditional generative models can only train on labeled data and learn probability distribution conditioned to the labels.
We use the values of the label attributes to label the tuples and the label attributes is set in
.{ ... "categorical_columns": [ // the involved categorical attributes "protocol_type", ], "numeric_columns": [ // the involved numeric attributes "upload_throughput", "download_throughput" ], "label_columns": [ // the label attributes "protocol_type" ] ... }
Encoding Stage
The target of the encoding stage is to encode tuples together with their labels into a data representation suitable for training conditional generative models.
ShadowAQP will encode the tuples according to the encoding method configured in
.{ ... "categorical_encoding": "binary", // 'binary' for binary encoding, 'onehot' for one-hot encoding "numeric_encoding": "gaussian", // 'gaussian' for guassian mixture encoding, 'minmax' for minmax normalization "max_clusters": 15, // the number of max gaussian clusters ... }
Learning Stage
In the learning stage, the encoded data and labels are fed to the neural network model for training.
ShadowAQP strats training with the learning parameters configured in
{ ... "lr": 0.001, // learning rate "optimizer_type": "adam", // optimizer "loss_agg_type": "mean", // aggregate function of loss "gpu_num": 1, // No. of gpu "epochs": 200, // training epochs "batch_size": 1024, // batch size "latent_dim": 200, // latent dimension of CVAE (hidden layer size) "intermediate_dim": 200, // intermediate dimension of CVAE (hidden layer size) ... }
Sampling Stage
In the sampling stage, ShadowAQP generates sample vectors with the latent variables sampled from the latent space and the given labels.
The sampling rate and sampling method is also configured in
.{ ... "sample_rate": 0.05, "sample_method": "statistics", ... }
Decoding Stage
The decoding stage is responsible for converting the sample data generated from the ShadowAQP model into table tuples.
Decoding is the reverse process of the configured encoding methods in
.{ ... "categorical_encoding": "binary", // 'binary' for binary encoding, 'onehot' for one-hot encoding "numeric_encoding": "gaussian", // 'gaussian' for guassian mixture encoding, 'minmax' for minmax normalization "max_clusters": 15, // the number of max gaussian clusters ... }
Executing Stage
- In the execution stage, ShadowAQP executes the queries on the generated samples to obtain the approximate query answers.
There are two types of configuration files: query configuration files and training configuration files.
Query configuration files is under /config/query
.An example is given below.
"name": "ssales_join_wsales",
"train_config_files": [
"multi_sample_times": 1,
"operation": "aqp",
"join_cols": ["ss_promo_sk","ws_promo_sk"],
"groupby_cols": ["ss_promo_sk"],
"result_path": "./output/aqp_result/ss_res.csv",
"diff_path": "./output/diff/ss_diff.csv",
"sum_cols": ["ss_wholesale_cost","ss_list_price","ws_wholesale_cost","ws_list_price"],
"avg_cols": ["ss_wholesale_cost","ss_list_price","ws_wholesale_cost","ws_list_price"],
"var": "./var/tpcds-1m/sw_var.csv",
"ground_truth": "./ground_truth/tpcds-0.6667g/sw_truth.csv" // Specifies the raw exact query result
Training configuration files is under /config/train
.An example is given below.
"name": "tpcds-06667g-ssales",
"data": "/root/lihan/train_dataset/tpcds_0.6667g/store_sales.csv",
"categorical_columns": [
"numeric_columns": [
"label_columns": [
"bucket_columns": [],
"categorical_encoding": "binary",
"numeric_encoding": "mm",
"max_clusters": 5,
"model_type": "torch_cvae",
"lr": 0.001,
"optimizer_type": "adam",
"loss_agg_type": "mean",
"gpu_num": 0,
"epochs": 150,
"batch_size": 512,
"latent_dim": 100,
"intermediate_dim": 100,
"train_flag": "load",
"operation": "aqp",
"sample_method": "statistics",
"sample_rate": 0.01,
"sample_for_train": 1,
"header": 1,
"delimiter": ","
We also provide a script
to help generate the configuration files.
usage: [-h]
sql_file flag dataset_path ground_truth cat_attr1 cat_attr2
num_attr1 num_attr2 sampling_ratio delimiter1 delimiter2
command line parsing
positional arguments:
sql_file input sql file
flag train/load flag
dataset_path input dataset path, separate with commas
ground_truth ground truth path
cat_attr1 categorical attributes of table1, separate with commas
between attributes
cat_attr2 categorical attributes of table2, separate with commas
between attributes
num_attr1 number attributes of table1, separate with commas between
num_attr2 number attributes of table2, separate with commas between
sampling_ratio sampling ratios of tables, separate with commas
delimiter1 delimiter in the dataset of table1
delimiter2 delimiter in the dataset of table2
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
It can be easily used like python tpch_cn.sql train /xxx/train_dataset/tpch_20g/customer.csv,/xxx/train_dataset/tpch_20g/nation.csv ./ground_truth/tpch-20g/cn_truth.csv c_nationkey n_nationkey,n_name c_acctbal '' 0.01,1 ',' '|'
. Then the configuration files will be automatically generated under /generate_config/query/
and generate_config/train/
Download the tpcds-kit
git clone
, and generate the data with the 1GB scale factor./dsdgen -scale 1 -dir ../data/ -force
Generate the ground truth with SparkSQL
Configure the query configuration file
, training configuration files/config/train/tpcds_ssales_torch_cvae.json
Set the 'train_flag' in the training configuration files to 'train' and train the models
python config/query/ssales_join_wsales.json
Then set different sampling ratios in the training configuration files and get result from model (set the 'train_flag' in the training configuration files to 'query')
python config/query/ssales_join_wsales.json
... sample time: 1.5985828302800655 relative error average: 0.0519204122033996 relative error normalized average: 0.04979657492564337 total_time:4.340905863791704