Check out my website at
DevRoom - Freelancer
GrindrPlus - Contributor & Mantainer
Horizon's End - Former SysAdmin & Developer on Ion
Polyfrost - Former Developer on OneConfig
CoralMC - Former Jr.Developer
TecnoCraft - Former Sr.Developer
GmmzFlights - A flight ticket price aggregator website written in Kotlin & React.
GraalJS React SSR Template - App template for building webapps in react with a Kotlin backend with SSR.
RattlyPluginTemplate - My personal Minecraft plugin template.
htmx-ktor - Demo TODO app that showcases HTMX usage in a Ktor project with a Database (Exposed ORM) and basic CRUD functionality.
OpenRGBLotusLantern - Small NodeJS script to connect Lotus Lantern capable LED strips to the OpenRGB app, using the keyboard visualizer protocol.
DomandePatenteB - Little Kotlin program that scrapes all of the Italian questions for the B driver license category.