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@github-actions github-actions released this 04 May 04:41
· 109 commits to master since this release

Changelog (1.27.6)

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Previous Changelog.

  • Reduced time taken to download many small mod updates.
  • Improved fault handling for mod updates.

This was done by adding an exponential backoff retry policy for mod updates. In addition, we now update 4 mods in parallel,
instead of just 1.

Changelog (1.27.5)

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Previous Changelog.

Fixed by @AnimatedSwine37.

Fixed a bug where saving after clicking Load Existing Pack would cause the ReleaseMetadataFileName
property of every loaded mod to be lost on save, making the pack unusable.

Changelog (1.27.4)

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Previous Changelog.

Originally reported as:

When changing the install location of a GamePass (Microsoft Store) game within Reloaded-II, the operation will no longer fail if the file is protected/unreadable due to OS' built in Copy Protection/Sandboxing.

This is useful if:

  • You have reinstalled the game.
  • You have moved the game to another location.


Instead, the same logic/steps as will be applied as if the game was added for the first time, including ASI Loader re-deployment (if necessary).

Changelog (1.27.3)

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Previous Changelog.

This update adds fallback logic that will display error messages if any should occur before the UI is fully initialized.

Changelog (1.27.2)

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Previous Changelog.

This update removes the dependency on PowerShell when decrypting MS Store games.
Just in case a user has a borked PowerShell setup.

Changelog (1.27.1)

Read and Discuss in a Browser.
Previous Changelog.

This update fixes a rare race condition resulting in
mod files sometimes being missing after a mod update or download.

(Thanks to @AnimatedSwine37)

Changelog (1.27.0)

Read and Discuss in a Browser.
Previous Changelog.

This is a longer 'Progress Report' kind of post. Consider reading in a browser.

Dependency Resolution Update

This update is focused on more reliable resolution of missing dependencies, notably, reducing the amount of time that the following message is seen:


A fix for end users:

  • Launching Reloaded without Internet after a mod download will no longer render missing dependencies undownloadable.
  • We now ensure we don't remove unused dependency metadata if we're missing dependencies.
  • Fixed a very rare edge where it was technically possible the launcher incorrectly reports a missing dependency.
  • This would happen if a mod had multiple download locations (e.g. GameBanana+GitHub), but was removed from 1 location.

A fix for mod authors:

  • A launcher restart is no longer required to update mod dependency info.
  • This info is what's used to download missing dependencies.
  • You can now safely add/edit a mod in launcher, set dependency, add some files and publish.
  • Previously a launcher restart was required to ensure dependency info was embedded in your mod.
  • We now update the dependency data before publish, ensuring mod authors don't pack mod with missing dependencies.

An Automated Error Handler for Edge Cases:

  • We now use the Search Index as a fallback, if all else fails.
  • The search index is what normally makes your mod searches in App super fast.
  • But it also knows the unique ModId of each uploaded mod.
  • So we can use this to find missing mods.
  • This currently works for 11 games that use Reloaded-II on GameBanana (I don't index any other sites currently).
  • Enabling this has some security implications. This is only used as a last resort fallback, when all else fails.

This should hopefully help in getting cases where users experience missing dependencies closer to 0.
Especially in situations where a dependency is hosted only in 1 location, e.g. Only <This Mod Site>

Updated Docs

Documentation and in-launcher tutorial has been updated to feature installing via drag-and-drop as a method of installation.


(Hint: It's animated in the launcher)

Infrastructure Update

The open 1st party package server is an unsung hero ensuring your modding experience is as smooth as possible. This is the place where critical code mods are fetched from automatically when the primary source (like GitHub) hits its limits - a common scenario given GitHub's restrictions of 60 requests per hour per IP.

Given Reloaded's modular nature, you'll typically hit that limit restarting the launcher around 4 times. Now imagine you have a family, or are in a hotel room, or just troubleshooting, this limit may already be exhausted. Now you download a new mod, which requires some framework/critical component and suddenly you're told...


Not ideal.

With the surge of users, traffic on this server has risen drastically. In the past 20 days we have transferred 6TB of data. Month started with approximately 5MB/s and is now 7.5MB/s. This is especially surprising, as the critical code mods stored here are typically under 0.5MB in size.



I only found out a few days ago, as I was looking into why the server was unresponsive. Sometimes queries randomly took ~2-3 seconds to respond, and I was rather flabbergasted.

The Package server runs on a very minimal-effort fork of BaGet, renamed as BaGet-Reloaded to avoid confusion with the original project. Using the Sqlite3 backend.

To the best of my knowledge, the delays in responses were caused by a combination of:

  • A lot of writes to the DB, which blocks reads in Sqlite out of the box.
  • Notably, BaGet increments the 'download count' every time a package is returned via search.
  • Sustained load on a shared CPU (a.k.a. 'vCPU'). [to a very, very small extent]

I changed the settings on Sqlite3 to use WAL and synchronous=NORMAL. This allows us to perform reads during writes, thus fixing up the performance. In addition, I bumped the server specs a bit, just in case the load continues to climb. Currently the server is completely responsive again.

A Thank You

Services like the Package Server are supported by your donations.
They also help cover occasional game purchases.
Recent Example: Fixing Compatibility with Special K in presence of Steam Copy Protection/DRM for games like Granblue Relink

In the ~4 years I've been accepting donations so far, I've received a total of £358.87 (and 4 games). This has helped cover most of the costs involved. e.g. Package Server, Server Backups, Discord Bot(s), Search Index, Services for some Online Mods, Domain (Website Name) Costs etc.

With these donations I can almost break even. I don't have any concrete numbers (hard to calculate), but based on some quick maths, I've probably spent around £450-500 on Reloaded related things so far.

Thank you.

About the Future

Please remember. For most of its life, Reloaded has been a solo project.
Not just the Manager, but the Loader and many of the core components used across your popular mods.

In any case, the work on the successor continues, albeit slowly.

Every week, I spend around 24-30 hours on Reloaded things, on top of my fulltime job. Hopefully in 2 years, we'll live in a future where users can start experimenting with porting core components from Reloaded-II to Reloaded3. This is not easy to do, but I will relentlessly keep going, until it is done.

The intent of the recent reliability/bug-fix patches is to allow me to step back from maintaining Reloaded-II for a longer time and let me focus on the successor.

If you are a programmer, I should hopefully have a 'Specification' ready not too long from now. The work on this is resuming today, after a long hiatus, so various core parts of Reloaded3 will be open to community contributions. Until then, hang tight.

Complete Changes (Autogenerated)

1.27.6 - 2024-05-03


  • Added: A simple retry policy for mod downloads, and some parallelism. 9623698


Previous Changelog (1.25.10) | Misc Hotfixes

  • Fixed bug introduced in last update 32-bit Reloaded Launcher (Reloaded-II32.exe) couldn't DLL inject on 64-bit operating systems.
  • Slightly redesigned settings menu, to better expose language selection.

Also thanks to @Sencaid for German Translation, I missed that in last changelog >w<
Expect more minor bugfixes over weekend, this is just all I can do after work hours so far this week.

Defender Mitigation Announcement | Changelog (1.25.9)

This release (1.25.9) is dedicated to Windows Defender. I'll try to keep it short.

In the past week alone, I've seen over 300 reports of false positive virus detections
affecting users. At peak, around 4 issue reports an hour.

This is because Defender suddenly started flagging a small part of Reloaded related to DLL Injection
that I wrote (and haven't changed at all) in almost 4 years.

This was not easy for anyone. I respond to all issues, usually within 10 minutes if awake.
Likewise, volunteers in game specific modding servers also take their time out of their day to help
troubleshoot users' issues. It was a heavy burden on everyone.

This was Rough

As this coincided with 2 game releases, where people starting Reloaded, the timing could not have been
any more unfortunate. Many new users had to experience an absolute trainwreck of a first impression;
whether it be due to defender, some longstanding rare bugs, or silent antivirus treatment.

Worseover, I could not even fix these bugs. Because the virus detections were made by the 'machine learning'
side of Defender, releasing ANY UPDATE AT ALL means that 1000s of users would get new false positives.
Dolphin Emulator was in the same predicament a few years ago.

This was a result of the releases not being 'deterministic', the files in each Reloaded build/version
would change, even if the code didn't, and Defender would flag it. Reporting a false positive therefore
would be ineffective; defender would see it as a 'different file'. I COULD NOT RELEASE ANY UPDATES AT ALL.

Needless to say, the situation was so dire, I booked a day off work and spent around 50 hours this week
so far towards fixing the issue (10+ hours per day). I've spent almost every hour of every day out
of my bed getting this resolved.

So what's been done so far to mitigate this issue?

Replaced DLL Injection logic

R2 now uses my fork of dll-syringe, a Rust library based
on my old Reloaded.Injector.

Extra care has been taken to ensure this hopefully works as expected.

For the people running on Linux, I've even found, reported and worked around two new WINE bugs
#56357, #56362.

Hopefully, by replacing the entire DLL Injection logic, we can avoid any false positives for the time being.
I pray the next build does not give people false positives.

Note: The work there is not 'Reloaded3 Quality' yet, notably, performance wise.
The library is 300kB, when it could be ~40kB (unacceptable!!), and error handling could be better.
But it's good enough for a hotfix release. In the coming weeks, hopefully, I'll polish the rest up.

Deterministic Builds

I've made as many components of Reloaded-II as deterministic as possible. If the code doesn't change,
the actual files in the releases won't change.

This hopefully means that if a file gets a false positive virus detection, releasing an update won't
cause it to be flagged again.

Download Loops


Historically this has been a very rare occurrence, but has been sighted more commonly recently.

Some people get stuck downloading dependencies. This usually manifests itself as a download window
appearing and disappearing endlessly on loop.

For the time being, I've added 'bare minimum' workaround. If Reloaded gets stuck, in a loop, it'll
inform you what it's failing to download, and ask you to install manually.

It's a very awful hack, but it's the best I can do for now. I could never reproduce this issue myself,
so fixing it is a shot in the dark. I'll eventually need to borrow someone inflicted by this bug.

That's All

In the future, say, with Reloaded3, I may invest in code signing certificate (i.e. legal form of
extortion to avoid false positives), but for now, I'm doing what I can.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused, and I want to thank all the volunteers who helped out with troubleshooting.

I'm aware some other issues are still present, I hope to get to them soon. However, I'm just a single
person, and there's only so much I can do...


Most big modding frameworks/loaders/managers are maintained by teams of people. Unfortunately, I'm not that fortunate, it's all done solo here.