This is a chat intro server for RetroShare, which (hopefully) deals with the issues the current one from retroshare-nogui has.
How the chatserver works:
- adds all certificates in a given, hardcoded directory, after adding it deletes them
- all added PGP ids are stored in a list, which is saved on disk (chatserver_temporary_friends.txt)
- if a hardcoded number of friends is reached, the oldest gpgIDs are denied as friends
- after some startup time, the chatserver looks for visible chatlobbies and joins them, if he can still see e.g. the lobby "Chatserver DE"
- if the lobbys can't be joined, it creates new ones
How to setup:
- download the git repo
mkdir ~/retroshare-chatserver cd ~/retroshare-chatserver git clone trunk cd trunk git submodule update --init
- change hardcoded constants in chatserver.h to what you want to, compile
qmake CONFIG+=rs_chatserver && make
- setup an account with retroshare-gui as usual, perhaps add some friends which always will be allowed to connect (leeching lobbys and distributing the chatserver lobbys even more far)
- copy config folder to server
- create the folder certificateFolder and the file chatserver_temporary_friends.txt (hardcoded in chatserver.h!)
- start with ./retroshare-chatserver -c configfolder
- setup w2c as webinterface, see
- make sure everything is correct with your permissions!
- created Folders in ~/.retroshare
- ~/.retroshare/chatserver This is where the files of chatserver are stored
- ~/.retroshare/chatserver/NEWCERTS This is where www-data is storing entered pgp certificates
- ~/.retroshare/chatserver/STORAGE This is where the serverkey, lobbys and a hyperlink are stored
- the file serverkey.txt is stored in ~/.retroshare/chatserver/STORAGE and holds the RetroShare public certificate which is displayed in php frontend
- friendfifo.txt is stored in ~/.retroshare/chatserver/ and holds the FIFO Slots. chatserver reads them and deletes oldes entry from friendlist if there are more than 100 lines.
- PHP Frontend stores all new certificates in ~/.retroshare/chatserver/NEWCERTS/ chatserver reads all new pgp certificates from this directory and adds them to friendlist. And adds a line to ~/.retroshare/chatserver/friendfifo.txt