This Client is a ruby wrapper around the PlentyMarkets REST API.
The complete documentation can be found here.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'plenty_client'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
gem install plenty_client
PlentyClient is a simple Ruby library. It works with Rails, as well as in a simple irb. Make sure you configure the PlentyClient with the following options:
PlentyClient::Config.site_url = ''
PlentyClient::Config.api_user = 'myusername'
PlentyClient::Config.api_password = 'mypassword'
PlentyClient::Config.log = true || false
PlentyClient::Config.plenty_id = 111111
- required parameters need to be passed in, otherwise you will receive an PlentyClient::ResponseError
- This Client handles no validation, it is only a gateway to the API
Once you are set up you can use the client like so:
PlentyClient::Item::Variation.find(103, 105)
PlentyClient::Item::Variation.update(103, update_parameters)
PlentyClient::Item::Variation.destroy(103, 105)
# Use blocks to iterate in batches
PlentyClient::Item.list do |item|
puts item
# You can set optional headers after the required parameters of each request
PlentyClient::Item::Variation.list(103, { 'itemsPerPage' => 1, 'page' => 4 }) do |item|
puts item
There is a difference in the get method with and without a block.
The Call without the block will return the complete response.
With the block you will only receive the entries.
If you are not sure which required parameters to pass in simply call
- write some specs
- clean up
- create classes for
- missing OrderItem OrderItemDate - its just a mess
- missing OrderProperty - its just a mess
- missing OrderItem OrderItemProperty - its just a mess
- update all modules to classes and make it inherit from a base class to remove
extend PlentyClient::Request
etc - create a configure block to set authentication parameters
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.