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REST APIs for Core Lightning written in Node.js

Docker image:




Download a specific version by following the instructions on the release page

Download from master (not recommended), by following the below steps:

$ git clone
$ cd c-lightning-REST
$ npm install

Configuration parameters

The below run time configuration are available, which can be configured either via library specific config file or C-Lightning config file:

  • Port - Port for serving the APIs
  • Documentation port - Port for serving the swagger documentation
  • Protocol - Http protocol for communication with the REST server. Two options are supported https and http(unencrypted and insecure communication between API server and the app)
  • Execution mode - Control for more detailed log info. The options supported are test and production
  • Lightning-RPC Path - Configure the path where lightning-rpc file is located. It will default to standard lightning path if not configured
  • RPC Command - - Enable additional RPC commands for /rpc endpoint
  • Domain - An external domain to be used for the self-signed certificate

Option 1: Via Config file cl-rest-config.json

For running the server, rename the file sample-cl-rest-config.json to cl-rest-config.json. Following parameters can be configured in the config file:

  • PORT (Default: 3001)
  • DOCPORT (Default: 4001)
  • PROTOCOL (Default: https)
  • EXECMODE (Default: production)
  • LNRPCPATH (Default: )
  • RPCCOMMANDS (Default: ["*"])
  • DOMAIN (Default: localhost)
  • BIND (Default: ::)

Option 2: With the plugin configuration, if used as a plugin

NOTE: Node.js plugins might not work with lightningd.service setting MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true as it denies the creation of writable and executable memory mappings. Ref: #116

If running as a plugin, configure the below options in your core lightning config file:

  • rest-port
  • rest-docport
  • rest-protocol
  • rest-execmode
  • rest-lnrpcpath
  • rest-rpc
  • rest-domain
  • rest-bind

Defaults are the same as in option # 1 with the exception that rest-rpc is a comma separated string.

Execute Server

You can choose from the below options to run the API server

Option 1: Run as an API server

$ node cl-rest.js

Access the APIs on the default port 3001 or the port configured in the config file.

Option 2: Run as a core lightning plugin

Pass arguments when launching lightningd:

$ lightningd --plugin=PATH_TO_PLUGIN [--rest-port=N] [--rest-protocol=http|https] [--rest-execmode=MODE]

E.g. $ lightningd --plugin=/Users/<user>/c-lightning-REST/clrest.js --rest-port=3003


Set plugin, [rest-port], [rest-docport], [rest-protocol], and [rest-execmode] in lightningd config

E.g. add below to the config file in .lightning folder


Option 3: Running c-lightning-REST as a service (Rpi or Linux platform users)

In case you are running a headless Rpi or a Linux node, you can configure c-lightning-REST as a service.

  • Create c-lightning-REST systemd unit and with the following content. Save and exit.
# Raspibolt c-lightning-REST: systemd unit for c-lightning-REST
# /etc/systemd/system/c-lightning-REST.service

Description=c-lightning-REST daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node <Full path of the c-lightning-REST folder>/cl-rest.js

  • enable and start c-lightning-REST
$ sudo systemctl enable c-lightning-REST
$ sudo systemctl start c-lightning-REST
  • montior the c-lightning-REST log file in realtime(exit with Ctrl-C)

$ sudo journalctl -f -u c-lightning-REST


With the default config, APIs will be served over https (a self signed certificate and key will be generated in the certs folder with openssl).

Sample url: https://localhost:3001/v1/getinfo/

Providing a DOMAIN to the c-lightning-REST configuration will add the domain as a subjectAltName to the openssl certificate, permitting successful certificate validation by users and applications, e.g. Zeus, when connecting to the server at via that domain.

If you are upgrading a server which is already configured, you should first backup and your entire ./certs directory in case you need to restore it later. Following this you should delete only the .certs/certificate.pem and .certs/key.pem files, so that new SSL certificates can be generated which take the subjectAltName into consideration.

WARNING: Do not delete access.macaroon or rootKey.key. If you do then your connection to remote applications will be lost, and need to be re-configured.

New certificates will be automatically generated as usual next time the program is started up.


Authentication has been implemented with macaroons. Macaroons are bearer tokens, which will be verified by the server. Two files, access.macaroon and rootKey.key, will be generated in the certs folder in the application root. The access.macaroon has to be read by the requesting application, converted to base64 or hex, and passed in the header with key value macaroon.

Encoding Options for passing macaroon in the header:

Option 1 - base64

  • Request header: macaroon set as the macaroon coverted to base64 string.
  • Sample code to convert macaroon to base64 string:
var abc = fs.readFileSync (macaroonFile);
var macaroon = Buffer.from(abc).toString("base64");

Option 2 - hex

  • Request header: macaroon set as the macaroon coverted to hex string and encodingtype with value set as hex
  • Sample code to convert macaroon to hex string:
var abc = fs.readFileSync (macaroonFile);
var macaroon = Buffer.from(abc).toString("hex");

If you need help converting your macaroon to hex format you can use the Node.js script from the Zeus project, found here. Alternatively, if you're running a Unix-based operating system (eg. macOS, Linux) you can run xxd -ps -u -c 1000 /path/to/access.macaroon to generate your macaroon in hex format.

API Documentation

Sample url for Swagger documentation of APIs: http://localhost:4001/api-docs/

C-Lightning commands covered by this API suite is here

General Node info

  • getinfo (/v1/getinfo) - GET: Get node information
  • listfunds (/v1/listFunds) - GET: Returns on-chain funds and channel funds information
  • getbalance (/v1/getBalance) - GET: Returns total, confirmed and unconfirmed on-chain balances
  • getfees (/v1/getFees) - GET: Returns the routing fee collected by the node
  • signmessage (/v1/utility/signMessage) - POST: Creates a digital signature of the message using node's secret key
  • verifymessage(/v1/utility/verifyMessage) - GET: Verifies a signature and the pubkey of the node which signed the message
  • decode (/v1/utility/decode) - GET: Decodes various invoice strings including BOLT12
  • listconfigs(/v1/utility/listConfigs) - GET: List all the configuration options

On-Chain fund management

  • newaddr (/v1/newaddr) - GET: Generate address for recieving on-chain funds
  • withdraw (/v1/withdraw) - POST: Withdraw on-chain funds to an address

Peer management

  • connect (/v1/peer/connect) - POST: Connect with a network peer
  • listpeers (/v1/peer/listPeers) - GET: Returns the list of peers connected with the node
  • disconnect (/v1/peer/disconnect) - DEL: Disconnect from a connected network peer

Channel management

  • fundchannel (/v1/channel/openChannel) - POST: Open channel with a connected peer node
  • listchannels (/v1/channel/listChannels) - GET: Get the list of channels that are known to the node.
  • setchannelfee (/v1/channel/setChannelFee) - POST: Update the fee policy for a channel
  • close (/v1/channel/closeChannel) - DEL: Close channel
  • listforwards (/v1/channel/listForwards) - GET: Get the list of forwarded htlcs by the node
  • localremotebal (/v1/channel/localremotebal) - GET: Summarizes local and remote channel balances on the node


  • pay (/v1/pay) - POST: Pay a bolt11 invoice
  • listpays (/v1/pay/listPays) - GET: List result of payment {bolt11}, or all
  • listsendpays (/v1/pay/listPayments) - GET: List outgoing payments {bolt11}, or all. This api has more detailed output than listpays
  • decodepay (/v1/pay/decodePay) - GET: Decode the bolt11 invoice
  • keysend (/v1/pay/keysend) - POST: Send funds to a node without an invoice


  • invoice (/v1/invoice/genInvoice) - POST: Generates a bolt11 invoice provided amount in msat, label, description, expiry in seconds (optional)
  • listinvoices (/v1/invoice/listInvoices) - GET: Lists the invoice on the node, for a {label} or all.
  • delexpiredinvoice (v1/invoice/delExpiredInvoice) - DEL: Delete expired invoices.
  • delinvoice (v1/invoice/delInvoice) - DEL: Delete a particular invoice with a label and status.


  • getroute (/v1/network/getRoute) - GET: List the best route for the payment of [msatoshi] to a lightning node [id]
  • listnodes (/v1/network/listNode) - GET: Lookup node info from the network graph, for a given [pubkey]
  • listchannels (/v1/network/listChannel) - GET: Lookup channel info from the network graph, for a given [short_channel_id]
  • feerates (/v1/network/feeRates) - GET: Lookup fee rates on the network, for a given rate style (perkb or perkw)
  • estimatefees (/v1/network/estimateFees) - GET: Get the urgent, normal and slow Bitcoin feerates as sat/kVB.


  • offer (/v1/offers/offer) - POST: Create an offer
  • listoffers (/v1/offers/listOffers) - GET: Returns a list of all the offers on the node
  • fetchinvoice (/v1/offers/fetchInvoice) - POST: Fetch an invoice for an offer
  • disableoffer (v1/offers/disableOffer) - DEL: Disables an existing offer, so that it cannot be used for future payments


  • reloadpolicy (/v1/peerswap/reloadPolicy) - GET: Reload the policy file
  • getswap (/v1/peerswap/swap) - GET: Returns swap by swapid
  • listswaps (/v1/peerswap/listSwaps) - GET: List swaps
  • listactiveswaps (/v1/peerswap/listActiveSwaps) - GET: Returns active swaps
  • listswaprequests (/v1/peerswap/listSwapRequests) - GET: Returns unhandled swaps requested by peer nodes
  • listpeers (/v1/peerswap/listPeers) - GET: Lists peers supporting the peerswap plugin
  • allowswaprequests (/v1/peerswap/allowSwapRequests) - GET: Sets peerswap to allow or deny incoming swap requests
  • addpeer (/v1/peerswap/addPeer) - GET: Adds peer with specified pubkey to allowlist
  • removepeer (/v1/peerswap/removePeer) - GET: Removes peer with specified pubkey from allowlist
  • resendmessage (/v1/peerswap/resendMessage) - GET: Resends last swap message to specified swap id
  • swapin (/v1/peerswap/swapIn) - POST: Initiates a swap in
  • swapout (/v1/peerswap/swapOut) - POST: Initiates a swap out


  • rpc (/v1/rpc) - POST: additional access to RPC comands. Examples of body param for rpc:

No param

{"method": "getinfo"}

One param

{"method":"signmessage", "params": ["message"]}

Multiple params

{"method":"mymethod", "params: {"key1": "value1"...}}

PRs are welcome! :-)