Students utilize money more effeciently
Most students have no idea what they are signing up for when it comes to student loans or have a realistic timeline on when they will pay it off.
Is to provide an app that keeps track of all income and expenses. Making people’s lives easier. Giving users the option to strive for financial freedom.
Like most applications that provide a service, you will need to sign up with some personal information. The current beta version requires simple user data such as Name, School Attending and login information (Email, Password).
As a user you will be able to input all expenses and income. (Oil Change, Food, Part-Time, Gas ETC.).Dashboard components with graphs generated from combination of User Input and Static Data pulled into the database.
There is also an option to add a student loan. The infor provided with help set up student loan payoff schedule.
In the future we'd like to add some features to both the Student Loan Component and Graphs Available.
Giving the user the option to predict the earning potencial of the degree program selected and create a timeline of how long it will take to payoff once program of study is complete.
React.js, MongoDB, Express, Javascript, React Bootstrap, React Google Charts, Axios, React Router, Node, Passport, Custom Events, bcrypt, Mongoose,