With PluginGuis, your RobloxPlugins can create GUIs hosted in dockable widgets (as opposed to being hosted in 3d viewport).
We encourage plugin developers to use this library so that your GUIs have a standardized look & feel: colors, spacing, layout, etc.
We will keep these libraries up to date as Studio look & feel changes (e.g. automatic support for Dark Theme, when that happens).
We will work hard to keep this library up to date, bug-free, etc.
That said, we have a small team and many competing priorities, so your efforts to improve this library are welcome and invited. Feel free to fork the repository and make fixes and improvements as you see fit. We will be happy to merge in any updates that fit within our vision of the library.
Class and function names are CamelCase, starting with caps. Variable and member names are CamelCase, starting with lowercase. Members and methods of classes that begin with '_' are considered "private": should not be read or written outside the class.
- CollapsibleTitledSection.lua
- CustomTextButton.lua
- GuiUtilities.lua
- ImageButtonWithText.lua
- LabeledCheckbox.lua
- LabeledMultiChoice.lua
- LabeledSlider.lua
- LabeledTextInput.lua
- RbxGui.lua
- StatefulImageButton.lua
- VerticallyScalingListFrame.lua
- VerticalScrollingFrame.lua
A "Section" containing one or more widgets, with titlebar. Title bar includes rotating arrow widget which can be used to collapse/expand the section.
local collapse = CollapsibleTitledSection.new(
"suffix", -- name suffix of the gui object
"titleText", -- the text displayed beside the collapsible arrow
true, -- have the content frame auto-update its size?
true, -- minimizable?
false -- minimized by default?
-- put things we want to be "collapsed" under the frame returned by the :GetContentsFrame() method
local label = Instance.new("TextLabel")
label.Text = "Peekaboo!"
label.Size = UDim2.new(0, 60, 0, 20)
label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
label.BorderSizePixel = 0
label.Parent = collapse:GetContentsFrame()
-- set the parent of the collapse object by setting the parent of the frame returned by the :GetSectionFrame() method
collapse:GetSectionFrame().Parent = widgetGui
A text button contained in an image (rounded rect). Button and frame highlight appropriately on hover and click.
local button = CustomTextButton.new(
"button", -- name of the gui object
"labelText" -- the text displayed on the button
-- use the :getButton() method to return the ImageButton gui object
local buttonObject = button:GetButton()
buttonObject.Size = UDim2.new(0, 70, 0, 25)
print("I was clicked!")
buttonObject.Parent = widgetGui
Grab bag of functions and definitions used by the rest of the code: colors, spacing, etc.
A button comprising an image above text. Button highlights appropriately on hover and click.
local button = ImageButtonWithText.new(
"imgButton", -- name of the gui object
1, -- sets the sorting order for use with a UIGridStyleLayout object
"rbxassetid://924320031", -- the asset id of the image
"text", -- button text
UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100), -- button size
UDim2.new(0, 70, 0, 70), -- image size
UDim2.new(0, 15, 0, 15), -- image position
UDim2.new(0, 60, 0, 20), -- text size
UDim2.new(0, 20, 0, 80) -- text position
-- use the :getButton() method to return an ImageButton gui object
local buttonObject = button:getButton()
-- use the :setSelected() method to highlight the button
-- use the :getSelected() method to return a boolean that defines if the button is selected or not
button:setSelected(not button:getSelected())
buttonObject.Parent = widgetGui
A widget comprising a text label and a checkbox. Can be configured in normal or "small" sizing. Layout and spacing change depending on size.
local checkbox = LabeledCheckbox.new(
"suffix", -- name suffix of gui object
"labelText", -- text beside the checkbox
false, -- initial value
false -- initially disabled?
-- get/set current value of the checkbox
-- disables and forces a checkbox value
if (checkbox:GetDisabled()) then
-- return the label or button frames
-- fire function when checkbox value changes
-- use :GetFrame() to set the parent of the LabeledCheckbox
checkbox:GetFrame().Parent = widgetGui
A widget comprising a top-level label and a family of radio buttons. Exactly one radio button is always selected. Buttons are in a grid layout and will adjust to flood-fill parent. Height updates based on content.
-- each choice must have an Id and Text
local choices = {
{Id = "choice1", Text = "a"},
{Id = "choice2", Text = "b"},
{Id = "choice3", Text = "c"}
local multiChoice = LabeledMultiChoice.new(
"suffix", -- name suffix of gui object
"labelText", -- title text of the multi choice
choices, -- choices array
1 -- the starting index of the selection (in this case choice 1)
-- get/set selection index
-- fire function when index value changes
print(choices[newIndex].Id, choices[newIndex].Text)
-- use :GetFrame() to set the parent of the LabeledMultiChoice
multiChoice:GetFrame().Parent = widgetGui
A widget comprising a label and a slider control.
-- note: the slider is clamped between [0, intervals]
local slider = LabeledSlider.new(
"suffix", -- name suffix of gui object
"labelText", -- title text of the multi choice
100, -- how many intervals to split the slider into
50 -- the starting value of the slider
-- get/set values
-- fire function when slider value changes
-- use :GetFrame() to set the parent of the LabeledSlider
slider:GetFrame().Parent = widgetGui
A widget comprising a label and text edit control.
local input = LabeledTextInput.new(
"suffix", -- name suffix of gui object
"labelText", -- title text of the multi choice
"Hello world!" -- default value
-- set/get graphemes which is essentially text character limit but grapemes measure things like emojis too
-- set/get values methods
input:SetValue("Hello world again...")
-- fire function when input value changes
-- use :GetFrame() to set the parent of the LabeledTextInput
input:GetFrame().Parent = widgetGui
Helper functions to support the slider control.
An image button with "on" and "off" states.
local button = StatefulImageButton.new(
"imgButton", -- name of the gui object
"rbxassetid://924320031", -- image asset id
UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100) -- size of the button
-- set if the StatefulImageButton is selected or not
local selected = false
-- use the :getButton() method to return the ImageButton gui object
local buttonObject = button:getButton()
selected = not selected
buttonObject.Parent = widgetGui
A frame that contains a list of sub-widgets. Will grow to accomodate size of children.
local listFrame = VerticallyScalingListFrame.new(
"suffix" -- name suffix of gui object
local label = Instance.new("TextLabel")
label.Text = "labelText"
label.Size = UDim2.new(0, 60, 0, 20)
label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
label.BorderSizePixel = 0
local label2 = label:Clone()
local label3 = label:Clone()
-- fire function when the listFrame resizes
print("Frame was resized!")
-- add a gui element to the VerticallyScalingListFrame
-- add padding to the VerticallyScalingListFrame
-- use :GetFrame() to set the parent of the VerticallyScalingListFrame
listFrame:GetFrame().Parent = widgetGui
A frame that holds sub-widgets and gives the user the ability to scroll through them over a fixed space.
local choices = {
{Id = "choice1", Text = "a"},
{Id = "choice2", Text = "b"},
{Id = "choice3", Text = "c"}
local scrollFrame = ScrollingFrame.new("suffix")
local listFrame = VerticallyScalingListFrame.new("suffix")
local collapse = CollapsibleTitledSection.new("suffix", "titleText", true, true, true)
local multiChoice = LabeledMultiChoice.new("suffix", "labelText", choices, 1)
local multiChoice2 = LabeledMultiChoice.new("suffix", "labelText", choices, 2)
multiChoice:GetFrame().Parent = collapse:GetContentsFrame()
multiChoice2:GetFrame().Parent = collapse:GetContentsFrame()
listFrame:AddChild(collapse:GetSectionFrame()) -- add child to expanding VerticallyScalingListFrame
local collapse = CollapsibleTitledSection.new("suffix", "titleText", true, false, false)
local multiChoice = LabeledMultiChoice.new("suffix", "labelText", choices, 1)
local multiChoice2 = LabeledMultiChoice.new("suffix", "labelText", choices, 2)
multiChoice:GetFrame().Parent = collapse:GetContentsFrame()
multiChoice2:GetFrame().Parent = collapse:GetContentsFrame()
listFrame:AddChild(collapse:GetSectionFrame()) -- add child to expanding VerticallyScalingListFrame
listFrame:AddBottomPadding() -- add padding to VerticallyScalingListFrame
listFrame:GetFrame().Parent = scrollFrame:GetContentFrame() -- scroll content will be the VerticallyScalingListFrame
scrollFrame:GetSectionFrame().Parent = widgetGui -- set the section parent
The easiest way to bring the project into studio is to use the HttpService to pull the contents directly from this github project into module scripts. After enabling the http service from Game Settings
the following code can be run in the command bar.
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local req = http:GetAsync("https://api.github.com/repos/Roblox/StudioWidgets/contents/src")
local json = http:JSONDecode(req)
local targetFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
targetFolder.Name = "StudioWidgets"
targetFolder.Parent = game.Workspace
for i = 1, #json do
local file = json[i]
if (file.type == "file") then
local name = file.name:sub(1, #file.name-4)
local module = targetFolder:FindFirstChild(name) or Instance.new("ModuleScript")
module.Name = name
module.Source = http:GetAsync(file.download_url)
module.Parent = targetFolder
Available under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.