This script helps to send events from a file (line-oriented) to SEKOIA.IO.
This script requires at Python3
Get the module from the releases or clone the repository:
$ git clone .
$ cd forward-events-to-sekoiaio
Create a Python virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv <path to the venv>
Install the dependencies:
$ <path to the venv>/bin/pip3 install -Ur requirements.txt
Go to the intake page and create a new intake from the expected format. Copy the resulting intake key.
The script is line-oriented, reading one event per line from the input.
$ <path to the venv>/bin/python3 -m forward_events_to_sekoiaio <intake_key> <file containing the events to send>
The script have the following options:
: Events are splitted in chunks. This option allows to define the maximal size of a chunk.