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Helm chart for deploying Prometheus and the Cloud Foundry Firehose exporter for use in Stratos

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Stratos Metrics

Stratos Metrics provides a Helm chart for deploying Prometheus and the following metrics exporters to Kubernetes:

  • Cloud Foundry Firehose Exporter (enabled by default)
  • Cloud Foundry Exporter (disabled by default)
  • Kubernetes State Metrics Exporter (disabled by default)

The Stratos Metrics Helm Chart deploys a Prometheus server and the configured Exporters and fronts the Prometheus server with an nginx server to provide authenticated access to Prometheus (currently basic authentication over https).

When required by configuration, it also contains an initialization script that will setup users in the UAA that have correct scopes/permissions to be able to read data from the Cloud Foundry Firehose and/or API.

Lastly, the Helm chart generates a small metadata file in the root of the nginx server which is used by Stratos to determine which Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes clusters the Prometheus server is providing Metrics for.


The Helm chart is published to the Stratos Helm repository. Ensure you've followed the Stratos requirements for deploying to Kubernetes -

You will need to have the SUSE Helm repository added to your Helm setup, if you do not, run:

helm repo add suse

You may need to refresh from this repository, if you already had it added, by running:

helm repo update

You should see the metrics chart is available when running:

helm search metrics -l

You can install with:

helm install suse/metrics --namespace=metrics -f <CONFIG_VALUES>.yaml

Where <CONFIG_VALUES>.yaml is the name of a configuration values file that you must create (see below).

If you want to use a Load Balancer or change the external IP, see the Advanced Topics section below.

Note, if you are using SUSE Cloud Foundry, you can use your scf_config_values.yaml file that you used when deploying it.

This will create a Stratos Metrics instance in a namespace called metrics in your Kubernetes cluster.

Connecting Metrics to Stratos

Once deployed, the Prometheus server should be accessible via https, ready to connect to Stratos.

When connecting, the default credentials are:

Username: metrics
Password: s3cr3t

NOTE: We recommend that you do not use the defaults - they can be changed via the following helm chart values:

  username: <USERNAME>
  password: <PASSWORD>

Exporter Configuration

Exporters will connect to their targets and export metrics into Stratos's Prometheus.

Cloud Foundry Firehose Exporter

The Cloud Foundry Firehose Exporter provides data required by Stratos to show CF Application and Diego Cell information. For more information about the type of data collected see here.

This exporter can be enabled/disabled via the Helm value firehoseExporter.enabled. By default this exporter is enabled.

You must provide the following Helm Chart values for this Exporter to work correctly:

  • cloudFoundry.apiEndpoint - API Endpoint of the Cloud Foundry API Server
  • cloudFoundry.uaaAdminClient - Admin client of the UAA used by the Cloud Foundry server
  • cloudFoundry.uaaAdminClientSecret - Admin client secret of the UAA used by the Cloud Foundry serve
  • cloudFoundry.skipSslVerification - Whether to skip SSL verification when communicating with Cloud Foundry and the UAA APIs

You can scale the firehose nozzle in Stratos-Metrics by specifying the following override:

  instances: 1

Please note, the number of firehose nozzles should be proportional to the number of Traffic Controllers in your Cloud Foundry (see docs). Otherwise, Loggregator will not split the firehose between the nozzles.

Cloud Foundry Exporter

The Cloud Foundry Exporter is not required to view metrics in Stratos but can provide interesting data for analysis separately. The type of data collected revolves around CF resource types such as organizations, spaces, service bindings, stacks, etc. For more information about the type of data collected see here.

This exporter can be enabled/disabled via the Helm value cfExporter.enabled. By default this exporter is disabled.

You must provide the following Helm Chart values for this Exporter to work correctly:

  • cloudFoundry.apiEndpoint - API Endpoint of the Cloud Foundry API Server
  • cloudFoundry.uaaAdminClient - Admin client of the UAA used by the Cloud Foundry server
  • cloudFoundry.uaaAdminClientSecret - Admin client secret of the UAA used by the Cloud Foundry serve
  • cloudFoundry.skipSslVerification - Whether to skip SSL verification when communicating with Cloud Foundry and the UAA APIs

Kubernetes State Metrics Exporter

The Kubernetes State Metrics Exporter can be enabled/disabled via the Helm value prometheus.kubeStateMetrics.enabled. By default this exporter is disabled.

You must provide the following Helm Chart values for this Exporter to work correctly:

  • kubernetes.apiEndpoint - The API Endpoint of the Kubernetes API Server

Node Exporter

The Node Exporter can be enabled/disabled via the Helm value prometheus.nodeExporter.enabled. By default this exporter is disabled.

Note: If your cluster is deployed with RBAC you must set the Helm value prometheus.podSecurityPolicy.enabled=true.

Helm Chart Configuration

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Metrics chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
imagePullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
metrics.username Basic Auth username for accessing metrics services metrics
metrics.password Basic Auth password for accessing metrics services_see values.yaml_
metrics.service.type Type of the metrics service to create ClusterIP
metrics.service.annotations Annotations for the metrics service []
metrics.service.externalIPs External IP addresses for the metrics service []
metrics.service.loadBalancerIP IP address to assign to the load balancer for the metrics service (if supported)
metrics.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges List of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported) []
metrics.service.servicePort Service port for the metrics service 443
metrics.service.nodePort Node port for the metrics service (ignored if metrics.service.type is not NodePort)
metrics.service.externalName External name for the metrics service
metrics.service.ingress.enabled Enable ingress for the metrics service false Host for the ingress resource
metrics.service.ingress.secretName Name of an existing secret containing the TLS certificate for ingress
metrics.service.ingress.annotations Annotations to be added to the ingress resource
metrics.service.ingress.extraLabels Additional labels to be added to the ingress resource
nginx.ssl.cert TLS Certificate for the metrics service self-signed dev certificate
nginx.ssl.key TLS Private Key for the metrics service self-signed dev certificate
cloudFoundry.apiEndpoint API Endpoint of the Cloud Foundry API Server (required by the Firehose and CF Exporters)
cloudFoundry.uaaAdminClient Admin client of the UAA used by the Cloud Foundry server (required by the Firehose and CF Exporters) admin
cloudFoundry.uaaAdminClientSecret Admin client secret of the UAA used by the Cloud Foundry server (required by the Firehose and CF Exporters)
cloudFoundry.skipSslVerification Whether to skip SSL verification when communicating with Cloud Foundry and the UAA APIs "true"
firehoseExporter.enabled Flag to enable ot disable the Prometheus Firehose Exporter true
firehoseExporter.instances Number of instance of the firehose exporter to scale to 1
firehoseExporter.dopplerUrl URL of the Cloud Foundry Doppler endpoint to monitor (used by the firehose exporter and takes precedence over specifying the Cloud Foundry API endpoint)
cfExporter.enabled Flag to enable ot disable the Prometheus CF Exporter false
kubernetes.apiEndpoint URL of the Kubernetes API Server
prometheus.kubeStateMetrics.enabled Enables the Kubernetes state metrics prometheus Exporter false
prometheus.nodeExporter.enabled Enables the Node Exporter false
prometheus.podSecurityPolicy.enabled Set to true if the Kubernetes cluster supports Role-based access control false
kube.auth Set to "rbac" if the Kubernetes cluster supports Role-based access control "rbac"
prometheus.server.persistentVolume.storageClass Storage class to use for the Prometheus server (use default storage class)
kube.clusterDomain Kubernetes domain cluster.local
metrics.pspEnabled Enable Pod Security Policies. Set this to true if you cluster is configured with PSPs enabled false
metrics.pspName Name of an existing Pod Security Policy to use instead of the one created by the chart when PSPs are enabled
metrics.pspAnnotations Annotations to be added to all pod security policy resources
metrics.pspExtraLabels Additional labels to be added to all pod security policy resources

Advanced Topics

Deploying with Pod Security Policies enabled

If your Kubernetes cluster has Pod Security Policies enabeld, you need to supply additional Helm values:

  pspEnabled: true
    enabled: true

Deploying to a cluster with a configured Kubernetes Domain

The default domain used by a Kubernetes cluster is cluster.local. If your cluster has been configured with a different domain name, you must supply this in the Helm value kube.clusterDomain.

Using a Load Balancer

If your Kubernetes deployment supports automatic configuration of a load balancer (e.g. Google Container Engine), specify the parameters metrics.service.type=LoadBalancer when installing.

helm install stratos/metrics --devel --namespace=metrics -f <CONFIG_VALUES>.yaml --set metrics.service.type=LoadBalancer

Specifying an External IP

If the Kubernetes cluster supports external IPs for services (see Service External IPs), then the following argument can be provided:

helm install stratos/metrics --devel --namespace=metrics -f <CONFIG_VALUES>.yaml --set metrics.service.externalIP=

Using an Ingress Controller

If your Kubernetes Cluster supports Ingress, you can expose Stratos Metrics through Ingress by supplying the appropriate ingress configuration when installing.

This configuration is described below:

Parameter Description Default
metrics.service.ingress.enabled Enables ingress false
metrics.service.ingress.annotations Annotations to be added to the ingress resource. {}
metrics.service.ingress.extraLabels Additional labels to be added to the ingress resource. {} The host name that will be used for the Stratos Metrics service.
metrics.service.ingress.secretName The existing TLS secret that contains the certificate for ingress.

You must provide when enabling ingress.

By default a certificate will be generated for TLS. You can provide your own certificate by creating a secret and specifying this with metrics.service.ingress.secretName.

Note: If you do not supply but do supply env.DOMAIN then the host metrics.[env.DOMAIN] will be used.

Deploying Metrics from a Private Image Repository

If the images used by the chart are hosted in a private repository, the following needs to be specified. Save the following to a file called private_overrides.yaml. Replace REGISTRY USER PASSSWORD, REGISTRY USERNAME, REGISTRY URL with the appropriate values. USER EMAIL can be left blank.

Note: Stratos Metrics uses the Prometheus Helm Chart as a sub-chart - hence the secret for the private registry must be specified separately for these two components.

  - name: regsecret

    username: <REGISTRY USERNAME>
    hostname: <REGISTRY URL>
    email: <USER EMAIL or leave blank>

To deploy stratos/metrics helm chart:

helm install stratos/metrics -f private_overrides.yaml --namespace=metrics

Advanced Prometheus Configuration

Stratos Metrics uses the Prometheus Helm chart ( as a sub-chart.

You can override settings for Prometheus, as described in this sub-chart, but prefixing the value with prometheus. For example, prometheus.server.persistentVolume.storageClass changes the storage class used by the Prometheus server.


Helm chart for deploying Prometheus and the Cloud Foundry Firehose exporter for use in Stratos






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