This is a complete doctor appointment app there user can appoint a doctor. please give a star for more projects.If it work for you please give me a star.and you can follow me for more projects.
For notification setup, please refer to this document and instructions:
Please don't change anything in firebase.if i got anything changed then i will remove firebase permissions.
Please don't change any thing with firebase if you want to work and update this then connect your own firebase
For run this project just clone this project and run this command in your project terminal
flutter pub get
For support, email [email protected]
- Push notification
- Live previews
- Fullscreen mode
- Cross platform
- responseive ui
-sMedical(user app apk)-
-smedi doctor(doctor app apk)-
-smedi doctor (Code for doctor app)-
for state mannagement wee use GETX
for auth and storeing data we use firebase as a backend service
Category page
Some others
I'm a full stack developer...