An eslint
plugin for checking accessibility rules from within .vue
files. Add data-testid
to use better behavior testing
Plugin requires eslint@9
pnpm add -D @yasanchezz/eslint-plugin-vue-data-testid
import vueDataTestid from '@yasanchezz/eslint-plugin-vue-data-testid'
// options type
type Options = {
nodeName: string;
filepath: string;
filename: string;
isRoot: boolean;
className?: string;
classNames?: string[];
// undefined value does not trigger valiation rule
// string value enforces eslint rule behavior
type ReturnValueTestId = string | undefined
// e.g. convert filename and BEM class into data-testid
function buildDataTestid(options: Options): ReturnValueTestId {
const filename = options.filename.replace('.vue', '')
const [first, second] = [options.className?.at(0), options.className?.slice(1)]
// convert BEM class name to data-testid
const classId = first && second
? first.toUpperCase() + second
.replace(/-[a-z]/g, (input) =>
.replace(/(?<=__)[a-z]/g, (input) => input.toUpperCase())
: undefined
return classId
? `${filename}__${classId}`
: filename
// e.g. check node to ignore it
function ignoreNode(options: Options) {
return /([A-Z]).*([A-Z])/.test(options.nodeName) || options.nodeName.includes('-')
// use inside eslint flat configs
export default [
name: 'app/files-to-lint',
files: ['**/*.{ts,mts,tsx,vue}'],
name: 'app/files-to-ignore',
ignores: ['**/dist/**', '**/dist-ssr/**', '**/coverage/**'],
attributeName: 'data-testid', // default data-testid (optional props)
buildDataTestid, // convert AST attributes to data-testid
ignoreNode, // check ignored nodes
- if data-testid is missing, it should be addedvue-data-testid/unique
- attribute should be unique
<div class="hello-world"></div>