Localization Port for Terra Firma Rescue Modpack. All contributers will be on the SupporterList.
The primary localization target are the quests in the modpack. Currently, Chinese is fully supported and English is partly supported by Machine Translation through my script.
BetterQuesting localization is done by creating a .lang file that contains mappings of translationKeys and translated result. Example of a mapping in the en_US.lang file is:
tfr.quest0.name=The Stone Age
Each mapping should start with a different line and the translated results should not contain '=', '/', or some vague letters that may cause complie issues.
The unlocalized keys should either be
tfr.quest.name or tfr.line.name
Check for them in DefaultQuests_Unlocalized.json
Change the current translated results of the mappings that you think have grammatical mistakes or unclear meaning. Or you can create another language file of your own language following the format I mentioned above.
Do not change DefaultQuests.json or DefaultQuests_Unlocalized.json , they are here just for reference.
Before you can do anything, you need to be able to make changes to the code. Follow the steps below to clone this test repo and create a new branch.
Go to this GitHub repo. If you haven't setup Git on your computer yet, follow these instructions first.
Click the Fork button on the upper right-hand corner. This will save the repo to your GitHub account
You now have a copy of the repo you just forked, available in your GitHub account
Clone the repo locally by running git clone https://github.com/TerraFirmaRescue/TFR-Localization.git in your terminal
Open this repo in your terminal and run the following command to create a new branch: git checkout -b add-your-name
Tadaa! You're now working on a new branch, on a repo that you can commit to
Note: If you're new to the GitHub workflow, you may find this guide useful.
Now make your changes on the language files.
Commit them by first use
git add
Then use
git commit -m "Commit Message(I suggest you write what you have changed, such as 'Added Japanese Localization file')"
Now push these changes to the repo by running git push origin add-your-name. You're now ready to send your pull request!
Here's how you can open your first pull request:
Go to the shared repo on GitHub and click on the green compare & pull request button
Click on 'create pull request'
Congrats on the successful pull request, and you just have to wait for the team to check and merge your changes into the master branch.
Normally, the changes will be added in the following major update of the modpack.