FlatOut 2 Mod Loader is a Reloaded II based solution for loading mods.
For more information, please visit the documentation, it's cool.
- Load custom unpacked files from Reloaded II mods (even with packed game!!).
- Load custom BFSes from your mods.
- Log all file loads.
- Log all replaced file loads.
- Improves load times for all files.
- Adds support for ZStd compressed BFSes for smaller size + better loads.
- Improved read speeds of content in BFS.
- Install Reloaded II.
- Install .NET 7 SDK.
- [Optional] Download Visual Studio/Rider and open the .sln file.
When you build your project, the files will automatically be copied to the right directory and be loaded by Reloaded.
Refer to the Reloaded wiki if you need more information.