Discord Bot used to check upcoming NBA, NFL, and NHL games as well as set reminders for user selected teams. Bot has the following slash commands:
- nba_nextgame: Returns a graphic of selected NBA team upcoming game.
- nba_remindme: User can set a reminder for team(s) in the NBA.
- nba_remove_reminders: User can remove reminders for any team in NBA.
- nfl_nextgame: Returns a graphic of selected NFL team upcoming game.
- nfl_remindme: User can set a reminder for team(s) in the NFL.
- nfl_remove_reminders: User can remove reminders for any team in NFL.
- nhl_nextgame: Returns a graphic of selected NHL team upcoming game.
- nhl_remindme: User can set a reminder for team(s) in the NHL.
- nhl_remove_reminders: User can remove reminders for any team in NHL.
- remove_all_reminders: Remove reminders for any or all of the leagues at once.
- Add better database failure recovery
- Add set_timezone command for user
- Make reminder more clear
- Add cogs
- Add more sports (currently supported: NBA, NHL, NFL)
- More testing
- Python: Version 3.11
- psycopg2~=2.9.5: A PostgreSQL adapter for Python.
- PostgreSQL: A powerful open-source relational database system.
- cron: Used to schedule python scripts to obtain upcoming NBA, NFL, and NHL games and set reminders in the database.
- Raspberry Pi 3: Used for hosting the application.
- discord~=2.1.0: Used for Discord integration of slash commands and setting and receiving reminder messages.
- DateTime~=5.0: Used to format dates from the different APIs into one
- Pillow~=9.4.0: Used to create reminder graphics that are messaged to user.
- python-dateutil~=2.8.2: Used to parse and convert all dates to a specific format.
- requests~=2.28.2: Used for making HTTP requests to fetch data from NBA, NFL, and NHL APIs.