Sigil-1.6.0 represents a mix of bug fixes and new features for both epub2 and epub3.
New Features:
- Find and Replace search targets expanded to include tabbed files, CSS files, OPF and NCX files
- Saved Searches now save full search Controls (mode, direction, options, and targets)
- Preview loading is now completely asynchronous with a loading progress bar and loading placeholder
- Merge will now automatically prevent duplicate ids
- Merge will automatically add ids are former file boundaries to prevent TOC, Guide, and href losses
- A new Xhtml Highlighter speeds up huge single file loading considerably
- Redesigned CodeView Spellchecking to bring it back to Sigil-1.3.0 speeds
- The External XHTML editor will now always pass along the OPF path and spine position
to simplify interface with PageEdit (use "Open With" if you want the old behaviour) - Added PyQtWebEngine as a newly required python module for Plugins.
ie. Plugins now have access to browser functionality for implementing e-Readers, more complex guis.
Bug Fixes:
- Add Qt workaround for restoring Sigil window sizes when FindReplace left open on macOS
- Add missing tr() calls to the tooltips in the Special Character selection dialog
- Fix bug when all unused selectors are removed as in css stylesheet - adds a comment placeholder
- Make empty Nav have a title to help empty epub passing epubcheck
- Fix bug where fonts couldn't be previewed when a space was in the path
- Redesigned code to make Merging large numbers of files much faster (Thank you Tex2002ans)
- Fix bug in blank language field in Spellcheck Dialog (Thank you Tex2002ans)
- Fix use of different indentation of css via PR from BeckyEbook (Thank you)
- Fix typos in plugin framework guide (Thank you Doitsu)
- Fix hang on launch when opf manifested files exist inside the META_INF (Thank you un_pogaz)
- Fix Metadata Editor bugs related to alternate-script (Thank you Carmina16) (#613)
- Fix Metadata Editor bugs related to epub2 event dates (Thank you Octet-nl) (#616)
The Sigil user guide has been updated for Sigil-1.6.0+ for the new Saved Search Controls and Find & Replace targets. It can always be
downloaded from its own repository (
Three new e-Reader plugins for Sigil have been built to help users see what their ebook might look like in real e-readers while still inside Sigil. See this post for descriptions and links: (
Please check the Sigil Wiki for important Sigil support links, additional resource downloads, and platform-specific trouble-shooting tips/requirements. (
Mac users should still download and install ActiveState's ActiveTcl Community Edition to utilize plugins that use Tk/Tcl GUIs. See (
Mac users should also check out the wiki entry on the New Release File Format: