This is a work in progress and not recommended for consumption at this point.
The PIQE test libraries are a collection of Python libraries that enable you to interact with OpenShift instances.
- A target OpenShift environment.
- A Kubeconfig file that provides access to the target environment.
- An OpenShift OC client that matches the version of your environment
The following steps will prepare your environment for executing or developing tests.
create a virtual environment and activate it.
python3 -m venv scenario
source scenario/bin/activate
Make sure you have the latest version of pip, wheel, and setuptools
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Download the oc client and extract it into a bin
directory in the $PATH
tar xvzf openshift-client-linux.tar.gz -C ~/bin/
The ocp-lib will use the kubeconfig for authenticating to your cluster. Make sure you have a copy of the kubeconfig
. Once the the file is in place, verify that you can connect to your OpenShift instance.
export KUBECONFIG=/<some>/<path>/kubeconfig
$ oc cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at https://api.<yourdomain>.com:6443
Once you're environment is setup per the prepare the environment you can install the package. Eventually a Python Package will be available, but for now, install from the repository.
pip install git+
Once you're environment is setup per the prepare the environment perform the following steps
Use the GitHub UI to fork the repository
git clone<user>/piqe-ocp-lib.git
Setup the original repo as remote repo to be able to continually pull changes
cd piqe-ocp-lib
make setup-remote
Run the make file to setup the dev environment. This will install the required dependencies
cd piqe-ocp-lib
make dev
The API library resides under piqe_ocp_lib/api/resources, and the corresponding tests reside under piqe_ocp_lib/tests/resources.
Run the test_ocp_base tests
pytest -sv piqe_ocp_lib/tests/resources/
Results similar to those shown below should be presented.
====================================== test session starts ======================================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.6, pytest-5.4.1, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /vagrant/piqe-test-libraries/piqe-ocp-lib/scenario/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
OpenShift version: latest
rootdir: /vagrant/piqe-test-libraries/piqe-ocp-lib
plugins: dependency-0.5.1, forked-1.1.3, xdist-1.31.0
collected 1 item
piqe-ocp-lib/tests/resources/ 2020-03-18 16:00:03,318 INFO (get_openshift_cluster_info) openshift tests default configs:
{'first_master': None}
2020-03-18 16:00:03,318 INFO (log_start_test_case) Starting test case: test_init
2020-03-18 16:00:03,883 - [INFO] - piqe_api_logger - test_ocp_base@test_init:25 - The obtained version is: 4.3.0
PASSED2020-03-18 16:00:03,884 INFO (log_end_test_case) Ending test case: test_init
======================================= 1 passed in 0.96s =======================================
git checkout -b CSSW-<ID>
Now you're ready to code and develop on the piqe-ocp-lib!
Some task-level APIs or tests require the use of a cluster_config yaml file that describes
the layout of the cluster and the resources being deployed. You can either specify the file using a command
line flag or set the variable PIQE_OCP_LIB_CLUSTER_CONF
variable to the path.
For reference you can refer to the one used in our tests here
We have the following standards and guidelines
- All tests must pass
- All linting must pass
If you forget to run the linting, we have a github actions job that runs through these on any changes. This allows us to make sure each patch meets the standards.
We also highly encourage developers to be looking to provide more tests or enhance existing tests for fixes
or new features they maybe submitting. If there is a reason that the changes don’t have any accompanying tests
we should be annotating the code changes with TODO
comments with the following information:
- State that the code needs tests coverage
- Quick statement of why it couldn’t be added.
#TODO: This needs test coverage. <Reason>.
Always make sure you have the latest changes from the upstream repo
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
make lint
# if any failures fix them with the below command
make format
git commit --amend --no-edit
If you have multiple commits and you've not been using git commit --amend
then please squash the commits.
You can use the interactive rebase menu to squash your commits
git rebase -i HEAD~<the number of commits to latest developed commit>
git push origin <branch>
Use the GitHub UI to create the pull request
When the PR is created it will run the upstream actions that will perform linting checks and initiate downstream tests that run against a downstream small OCP cluster.
We're maintaining a log of changes for every release. Semantic versioning and Keep a Changelog were chosen as standards. You can find more information about both standards here.
This library shall be automatically published to Pypi following the steps below:
- Update
with the new changes (Keep a Changelog); - Bump your package version with
poetry version major.minor.patch
(Semantic Versioning); - Open a PR with these two changes above;
- Manually create a GitHub release;
- Successful CI will publish.
We're currently not running any tests in our CI phase due to some limitations. We should target improving this and remove this burden from developers.