Releases: SineVector241/VoiceCraft-MCBE_Proximity_Chat
This is a beta for the new VoiceCraft v1.1.0 testing avalonia (ANDROID BUILD IS ONLY AVAILABLE) Voice does not work but accessing audio processing/devices should work.
Please comment any issues you find in the discussion relating to this beta!
- Fixed an issue where you could not input a negative key value in the server console.
- Added fakebindparticipant command to server.
- Added mandatory version field for MCComm Login packet.
- Remove Accurate environment ID from settings, this is now on by default when using the custom client protocol.
- Added the ability to ignore the data bitmask when setting a participants bitmask.
- Fixed localhost/loopback not working when trying to connect.
- Added log for when a participant binds.
- Fixed addon for 1.21.22 update.
- Added Jitter Buffer Size MS to settings.
- Fixed not being able to scroll in settings in android version.
- Added Deafen command to server.
- Improved Voice Packet Sending from LINQ dependency's.
- Added Bit masking feature for MCComm API Expansion.
- Changed App Version display in credits to display app version from manifest.
- Changed libopus version to display directly from the DLL.
- Fixed the reverse of PlayersSpeaking field in the MCComm ACKUpdate packet.
- Changed VoiceCraft system to force include a main/default channel.
- Renamed InWater field to Muffled in the Update packet.
- Added AutoConnection on world start to the addon.
- Added AutoReconnect on disconnection to the addon.
- Added Management of channels to the addon.
- Added Management of VoiceCraft players to the addon.
- Added Disconnect command to the addon.
- Added Logout packet to MCComm API.
- Added GetChannels packet to MCComm API.
- Added GetChannelSettings packet to MCComm API.
- Added SetChannelSettings packet to MCComm API.
- Added GetDefaultSettings packet to MCComm API.
- Added SetDefaultSettings packet to MCComm API.
- Added GetParticipants packet to MCComm API.
- Added DisconnectParticipant packet to MCComm API.
- Added GetParticipantBitmask packet to MCComm API.
- Added SetParticipantBitmask packet to MCComm API.
- Added MuteParticipant packet to MCComm API.
- Added UnmuteParticipant packet to MCComm API.
- Added DeafenParticipant packet to MCComm API.
- Added UndeafenParticipant packet to MCComm API.
- Added ANDModParticipantBitmask packet to MCComm API.
- Added ORModParticipantBitmask packet to MCComm API.
- Added XORModParticipantBitmask packet to MCComm API.
- Fixed not being able to scroll in settings view on windows.
- Changed Codec version display in credits view.
- Fixed talking players field not being populated on update MCComm packet.
- Fixed Hamburger and Back button on the top left window not switching colors when switching from light to dark and vice versa.
- Updated addon for 1.21.0 update.
- Protocol is now entirely dependent on UDP with a faster and more reliable custom packet delivery system.
- Fixed Disconnection issues.
- Fixed
memory issues. - Moved project entirely to MAUI.
- Port to iOS and Mac is being actively worked on.
- Added Custom Client option to settings.
- Added Accurate Environment Id to settings.
- Fixed unreliable start-up of voice service at times.
- Reduced packet size when in Regular Client Sided Mode.
- Updated opus codec to v1.5.1.
- Fixed a memory leak when pinging the server.
- Fixed reliability on MCComm.
- Added fun messages in the foreground notification when in voice on android.
- Keys now go between -32768 to 32767 and are randomly generated when conflicted.
- Echo is now more like an echo instead of just a single repeated sample.
- New UI.
- Light Mode and Dark Mode has been ported to windows.
- Fixed channel reliability.
- Possibly fixed overloading the socket buffer since there is now only 1 sender thread.
- Added microphone testing to settings.
- Added red indicators when typing invalid values in a field.
- Updated addon for 1.20.80 update.
- Fixed some thread safety issues.
- Server List is in grid format on windows.
- Tablets, TV's and other typically wide screen devices have the desktop UI while mobile phones have a different UI.
- Android now gives status updates in the foreground notification updates when a participant joins or leaves.
- Call quality is effectively the same as discord.
- Fixed Banlist.json not saving.
- Moved configuration of server inside a config folder so it is compatible with docker.
- Autobind setting is now attached to player data and not as tags.
- Signalling TCP has been removed.
- MCComm now has a default port of 9050.
- Server .NET Driver Version has been updated to 8.0.
v1.0.32 - BETA
- Android Support
- Code clean-up when initializing
- Set Linear Proximity volume default to true.
- Improved placement of microphone level input display inside settings.
- Windows app version now mirrors voicecraft app version.
- Improved navigation efficiency by only loading specific pages on start-up depending on you're device.
- Fixed an issue which would not set the device to default if the input or output device was not plugged in.
- Fixed an issue which caused the recording button to not be notified when recording actually stops inside the settings.
- Creation of recorder and player is no longer asynchronously awaited.
- Added codec to credits.
- Changed splash icon to voicecraft icon which for some reason does not show on windows.
- Settings are now only checked once before start-up instead of twice when creating the recorder and player.
- Started work on iOS port.
- Fixed fake player broadcast.
Known Issues
- Application consumes more and more memory when quickly navigating between pages.
v1.0.31 - BETA
- Fix talking participants response on the AcceptUpdate MCCOMM packet.
- Improve voice by decreasing delay to 50ms.
- Fix !autoconnect command for the addon.
- Improved echo to sound more like echo.
- Improved proximity volume by introducing a SmoothVolumeSampleProvider that modifies each floating point sample and modifies it's volume/gain level.
- Fixed
Exception Has Been Thrown by the target of an invocation
due to incorrect binding compilation in the binary. - Updated Opus Codec to 1.5.1 version.
- Updated addon for 1.20.71 minecraft update.
v1.0.3 - BETA
- Opus encoder now encodes on the same recording thread asynchronously.
- Private Id and IP (not endpoint) are now used to identify a client. The TCP socket is still used to also further confirm a client's identity.
- Fixed the addon from spewing out tons of errors when disconnected.
- Added a broadcast message when the VOIP server disconnects.
- Moved autobind data storage to the player data and not as tags.
- added fakebind command which is available to all temporarily.
- Moved ServerProperties.json and Banlist.json inside config folder on generation, However, the server will also accept these manually created files if in the same directory as the VoiceCraft.Server.exe.
- Made every device use the desktop UI except for mobile. This means Windows, Tablets, TV's, MACOS and MacCatalyst devices will use the desktop UI while iOS and Android will use the mobile UI.
- Made certain UI elements just use the white color instead of the bright purple in light mode and occasionally in dark mode.
Next Plans
- Use reverb for cave echo using Schroeder’s algorithm.
- Linear smooth volume fading instead of instant volume fading will be implemented as an option.
- Android Support.
v1.0.21 - BETA
- Fixed NAT Traversal IP changing by sending 5 second Keep Alive packets on the voice socket. This also removed the issue of voice randomly stopping.
- Fixed an ACCESS VIOLATION exception that could occur on VERY specific low end devices due to the encoder trying to encode when it no longer existed.
- Added length of time that the timeout was triggered from on timeout messages (Server and Client).
- Fixed an error that could occur when a server socket fails.
For installation, Please refer to
v1.0.2 - BETA
- Fixed Audio Stuttering.
- New Framework.
- Fixed audio output setting.
- Better timeout timings on both server and client.
- Changed server list to grid styled type.
- New flyout UI for switching between settings, server and credits.
- Fixed memory leaks.
- Client sided mode no longer shows key.
- Settings auto save when navigating away from the settings page.
A lot of things can break due to the entire rewrite + some untested things. If you have any bugs or issues. PLEASE REPORT THEM THROUGH THE ISSUES TAB ON THIS REPOSITORY!
Installing the client
Extract the .maui app. Double click on the .cer
file and click on install certificate
-> Then click on local machine -> Then click on Place all certificates in the following store
Then click on browse
then select Trusted People
-> Click on finish.
Once the certificate is installed, Then double click on the .msix
package and click on install