I am Quentin Lemaire, passionate about computers since I was a child. I have made the concept of DevOps my favorite field and try to learn a little more every day!
- SkYNewZ/calculateur-gonflage-plongee - Calculateur de temps de gonflage d'un ensemble de bouteille de plongées (ou autre).
- SkYNewZ/_ - URL shortener based on https://github.com/brunoluiz/urlzap
- SkYNewZ/gh-stars-search-engine - You own GitHub stars search engine.
- SkYNewZ/mft - Always get the latest FFESSM MFT files and upload them to a Google Drive. Run with GitHub Actions.
- SkYNewZ/slog-pushover - Pushover handler for slog logger
- SkYNewZ/awesome-stars - My awesome stars list
- SkYNewZ/youtube-sorter - Sort videos by duration from YouTube playlist
- SkYNewZ/gitignore - Generate .gitignore from cli
- SkYNewZ/mft - Always get the latest FFESSM MFT files and upload them to a Google Drive. Run with GitHub Actions. (2 weeks ago)
- SkYNewZ/calculateur-gonflage-plongee - Calculateur de temps de gonflage d'un ensemble de bouteille de plongées (ou autre). (1 month ago)
- SkYNewZ/streamdeck-sdk - Golang library to ease writing Stream deck plugins with Go (1 month ago)
- SkYNewZ/_ - URL shortener based on https://github.com/brunoluiz/urlzap (2 months ago)
- SkYNewZ/slog-pushover - Pushover handler for slog logger (3 months ago)
- SkYNewZ/slog-pushover (v0.0.2, 4 months ago) - Pushover handler for slog logger
- muety/wakapi - 📊 A minimalist, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics (1 day ago)
- DVDAndroid/glance-docker-container-ext (1 day ago)
- Blueforcer/awtrix3 - Custom firmware for the Ulanzi Smart Pixel clock or self made awtrix. Getting started is easy as 1-2-3 (2 days ago)
- meilisearch/meilisearch - A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow (2 days ago)
- opencost/opencost - Cost monitoring for Kubernetes workloads and cloud costs (3 days ago)
- .golangci.yaml golden configuration - 10 months ago
- Get YouTube channel ID from channel URL in Go - 10 months ago
- Go constant backoff retry with max iterations count - 2 years ago
- Golang append using make/cap vs slice literal - 2 years ago
- Dockerfile - 2 years ago
- Websites: https://lemairepro.fr and https://skynewz.dev
- Twitter: @skynewz
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skynewz/
- Want email ? [email protected]