To compile this project, simply run make
in the project root. The executable can be found in
, or can be run directly using make run
On linux, the project has no dependencies except for X11 and GL, as a GLFW static library is included. On windows, GLFW must be provided by the system.
Left mouse button - click window to enable controls, click again to release the mouse.
When the controls are enabled: Mouse movement to control camera pitch and yaw. Q/E to control camera roll. W/S to move forward and backwards. A/D to move right and left. Space/Shift to move up and down. Keyboard arrow up/down to speed camera up and slow down. Esc to quit.
On AMD cards (at least on mine) the program occasionaly shows a black screen or artefacts on linux. In that case please restart the program until it is fixed. On windows, however, it doesnt work at all. Other cards should be fine.
Eric Bruneton, Fabrice Neyret. Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering. Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley, 2008, Special Issue: Proceedings of the 19th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008, 27 (4), pp.1079-1086.
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Eric Bruneton, 2017, "Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering: a New Implementation".
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Camilla Lowy, Marcus Geelnard & contributors, "GLFW - An OpenGL library".
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