A small tool to convert Base64-encoded .kirbi tickets from Rubeus into .ccache files for Impacket
This is a small tool to handle a common use case I run into often. Rubeus outputs TGTs in Base64-encoded .kirbi files,
whereas Impacket tools, like wmiexec.py
or smbexec.py
use the .ccache file format. The two formats are easily
converted between, thanks to Impacket and Zer1t0's ticket_converter.py.
But I wanted to be able to use the Rubeus /nowrap
option and send it right to a tool to get both .kirib and .ccache
files. Which is what this script does. Big thanks to Zer1t0 and the Impacket project.
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By Solomon Sklash
Inspired by Zer1t0's ticket_converter.py
usage: rubeustoccache.py [-h] base64_input kirbi ccache
positional arguments:
base64_input The Base64-encoded .kirbi, sucha as from Rubeus.
kirbi The name of the output file for the decoded .kirbi file.
ccache The name of the output file for the ccache file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
RubeusToCcache is written for Python 3, and requires the impacket and pyasn1 Python libraries.
Run either pip3 install impacket pyasn1
or pip3 install -r requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/SolomonSklash/RubeusToCcache
cd RubeusToCcache
pip3 install -r requirements.txt