ToPWR to aplikacja mobilna stworzona przez studentów, dla studentów Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Licznik dni do sesji, mapka kampusu, informacje o dziekanatach, kołach naukowych i licznik wolnych miejsc parkingowych na żywo – wszystko, co trzeba, w jednym miejscu. Life made easy. 🚀
ToPWR to efekt naszych doświadczeń i pomysłów, którymi chcielibyśmy się podzielić z innymi studentami. Bo przecież każdy z nas zaczynał od zera, więc dlaczego nie stworzyć czegoś, co ułatwiłoby życie na uczelni? Zależało nam, aby każdy student miał w kieszeni takiego kumpla, który go wspiera i pomaga ogarnąć to wszystko. Bo studia to nie tylko nauka, to także odkrywanie, poznawanie, czasem trochę gubienie się – i to jest w porządku.
ToPWR is a mobile application created by the students, for the students of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. A countdown to exams, a campus map, information about dean's offices, student science clubs, and a live counter for available parking spots – everything you need in one place. Life made easy. 🚀
ToPWR is the result of our experiences and ideas, which we want to share with other students. After all, each of us started from scratch, so why not create something that makes university life easier? We wanted every student to have a companion in their pocket, supporting and helping them manage everything. Because uni life is not just about studying; it's also about discovering, meeting new people, sometimes getting a little lost, and that's okay.
The app was initially created by KN Solvro members using native mobile technologies (Android & iOS) and a Strapi backend in 2022 (v0.5.1 was released on October 3, 2022).
Now, we're redesigning and remaking it with exciting new features using Flutter and Directus CMS, and we’re after our first release (26/09/2024)! 🚀.
- @AleksaZakrzewska - Project Manager
- @simon-the-shark - Flutter Techlead
- @mikolaj-jalocha - Flutter Developer
- @gry-mar - Flutter Developer, UI/UX Designer
- @kamilfedio - Flutter Developer
- @tomasz-trela - Flutter Developer
- @wkrzos - Junior Project Manager
We're using many UI/UX designs and graphic assets created by @domkakromka, @AniaM727
Read more at:
- Flutter
- Riverpod
- Freezed
- graphql_codegen
- Dio
- google_maps_flutter
- fl_chart
- wiredash
- lottie
Recommended flutter version: Channel stable, 3.29.0
For secrets storing, we're using git-crypt. You need to:
- pull the repo
- Install git-crypt:
- get our cryptographic key
- run
git-crypt unlock <<name-of-the-key>>
Some of app's dependecies utilize code generation feature and generated files are not currently included to control version and this github repository, so before building, running or developing application, it's crucial to run code generation (to generate all needed files) in terminal with:
- For one-time generation:
dart run build_runner build
- For watch mode and continous necessary rebuilds after every change to connected files (usufull for development):
dart run build_runner watch
- If something doesn't build correctly, this might help:
dart run build_runner build -d
Rebuilds are necessary after any updates or changes to affected files (
command does it for you)
- Either with your IDE or
- from Terminal:
flutter run
For SVG files optimization we use
(which uses SVGO under the hood) that's why before you start you need to install Node.js and SVGO optimization tool on your machine -
[OPTIONAL] If you operate on many Flutter versions, I reccomend to you
Flutter version manager:
fvm dart run build_runner watch
fvm flutter run
// etc...
- App's custom theme usage instructions:
- Introductions to internationalizing flutter apps (making them available in different languages):
- Api helper module instructions:
- We use
for generating asset paths: - For unified names read and follow:
- For navigation we use
, docs here: - For SVG files optimization we use
(which uses SVGO under the hood), related article here:
- run the linter
flutter analyze
- if you have any problems listed, try to autofix with
dart fix --apply
- run
again, if problems still persist, correct them manually. If you disagree with some of the rules, we can still discuss and adjust them. Hit me up @simon-the-shark or open an issue. - run formatter
dart format .
- run riverpod linter (and any other custom lint package)
dart run custom_lint
Don't worry if you've forgotten about the steps, automatic gh action will run the checks for you and notify if somthing's wrong.
Connecting to Github(Gh) repository via SSH on Windows, tutorial:
- git checkout main -> checkout main branch
- git pull origin main -> pull current changes from main branch
- git fetch -> be up to date with remote branches
- git checkout -b MOBILE-x_my_feature_branch -> x - stands for issue number; it is going to checkout and create new branch name MOBILE-x_my_feature_branch (... working on the feature, we are still on our branch named MOBILE-x_my_feature_branch)
- git add . -> add all changes we have made
- git commit -m "My changes description" -> commit made changes with proper description
- git push origin MOBILE-x_my_feature_branch -> pushing our changes to remote branch
- On Github we are going to make Pull Request (PR) from our remote branch
- Do not push directly to main branch!!! This is bad practice!
- local branch - is our branch on our computer not on the server if we do some chagnes and do checkout to diffrent branch without saving them(commiting) we might loose them, commit before checkout to different branch!
- remote branch - this is branch with our code in github's servers
- After code review which was successful, we can merge from our feature branch to main branch. After merging we should clean after ourself.
- git branch -d MOBILE-x_my_feature_branch -> deletes our local branch
- git push origin --delete MOBILE-x_my_feature_branch -> delete our remote branch