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Sensor to read reports from tools creating xUnit files. xUnit is the collective name for several unit testing frameworks that derive their structure and functionality from Smalltalk's SUnit. The names of many of these frameworks are a variation on "SUnit", usually replacing the "S" with the first letter (or letters) in the name of their intended language ("JUnit" for Java, "RUnit" for R etc.). These frameworks and their common architecture are collectively known as "xUnit".
In combination with the XSL transformation almost all unit test frameworks can be integrated by the cxx plugin.
Note: The cxx plugin itself does not run any tools, you have to do that yourself beforehand. The sensor only reads the report generated by a tool!
xUnit is not really a standard. There are many variants, most of which differ in fine details. The reports supported by this cxx plugin look like the following (for details see xunit.rnc):
<testsuite name="ts" filename="some path" ... >
<!-- optional: the testsuites can be nested: -->
<testsuite name="nested ts"
filename="some path" ... >
<testcase name="tc1" filename="some path" status="run" time="0.05" classname="classA"/>
<testcase name="tc2" status="run" time="0" classname="classB">
<failure message="..." type="">
Value of: 112
Expected: bar.foo()
Which is: 111]]>
the root tag
is ignored and the included<testsuite>
tags are processed instead -
tags can be nested -
Within a
element, each unit test is represented by a<testcase>
tag. It can have the following attributes:-
(mandatory): name of the test case -
(optional): name of the test case class. If available, the class name is combined with the test case name. The plugin can't derive the the test file name from the classname. -
(optional): long value in milliseconds -
: Error status of the test case, if not presentok
is assumed. Google Test reports mark the skipped tests with statusnotrun
. -
(optional): short message describing the cause -
(optional): long message containing details aboutfailure|error|skipped
attribute is optional and tool specific. Thefilename
attribute can be added to the<testsuite>
or the<testcase>
tag. The values of these attributes should contain a path to the corresponding source file. The path can be absolute or relative to the project base directory. The files present in the report must be test file names, not source code files covered by tests (see sonar.tests analysis parameter).
<testsuite name="ts" filename="tests/mytest.cc" ... >
... testcases ...
<testcase name="tc" filename="tests/myothertest.cc" ... />
The image below shows the display of test metrics in SonarQube 8.9 LTS. To do this, select Measures > Coverage > Tests (1 -> 2) in your project.
At the top, the aggregated total number of tests is displayed (3). Below that, the tests per test file are displayed (4). The display per test file only appears if the filename
tag is set in the report.
- Hint: The display options are limited, more details are not displayed.
SonarSource comments as follows: I’ll be honest & say that as an organization we’ve never really believed in those test metrics. Why? Because we feel that if you’ve got failing tests, the pipeline should stop then & there. You shouldn’t just count the failures & move on. That’s why we’ve slowly but surely been moving away from these metrics.
In order to generate a fitting report, make sure:
- that the paths in the report matches the
lists insonar-project.properties
- the path can be absolute or relative to the project base directory
Sample command lines:
To create xUnit compatible output with Google Test use it this way:
GoogleTestSample.exe --gtest_output=xml:report.xml
With Boost.Test use --log_level=all
or --log_level=success
BoostTestSample.exe --log_format=XML --log_sink=report.xml --log_level=all --report_level=no
CTest sample:
ctest --output-junit report.xml
This sample creates a test case with Google Test:
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
TEST(TestSuiteName, TestName) {
std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
ASSERT_EQ(1+1, 2);
Compile and run the Google Test binary to create XUnit compatible output:
HelloWorld.exe --gtest_output=xml:report.xml
If the tool was executed successfully, a report like the example below should be generated:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" timestamp="2015-01-28T23:29:18" time="0" name="AllTests">
<testsuite name="TestSuiteName" tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="0">
<testcase name="TestName" status="run" time="0" classname="TestSuiteName" />
This sample creates a test case with Boost.Test:
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE MyModule
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <iostream>
std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
Compile and run the Boost.Test binary to create a report:
HelloWorld.exe --log_format=XML --log_sink=report.xml --log_level=all --report_level=no
If the tool was executed successfully, a report like the example below should be generated:
<TestSuite name="MyModule">
<TestSuite name="TestSuiteName">
<TestCase name="TestName">
<Info file="d:/sample/HelloWorld.cpp" line="8"><![CDATA[check 1+1 == 2 passed]]></Info>
The CTest executable is the CMake test driver program. CMake-generated build trees created for projects that use the enable_testing() and add_test() commands have testing support. This program will run the tests and report results. For details more, see the cmake documentation.
Run CTest to create a report:
ctest --output-junit report.xml
If the tool was executed successfully, a report like the example below should be generated:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="Linux-amd64-cc-mpi" tests="3" failures="0" disabled="0" skipped="0" hostname="esthar" time="0" timestamp="2022-08-08T09:51:26" >
<testcase name="heat_seq_usage" classname="heat_seq_usage" time="0.000872568" status="run"></testcase>
<testcase name="heat_seq_err_10" classname="heat_seq_err_10" time="0.000996883" status="run"></testcase>
<testcase name="heat_par_4" classname="heat_par_4" time="0.382706" status="run"></testcase>
Hint: CTest does not support the
tag, i.e. you cannot see test metrics per test file.
- First check if the file extensions read in by the cxx plugin are set (sonar.cxx.file.suffixes).
- That the paths in the report matches the
lists insonar-project.properties
. - Set the analysis parameter
in the configuration filesonar-project.properties
of your project. The Report Paths link describes the configuration options. - If the report needs to be adjusted, use the built-in XLS transformation, see sonar.cxx.xslt for more information.
- Execute the SonarScanner to transfer the project with the report to the SonarQube Server.
Sample for sonar-project.properties:
In the simplest case, the report can be read in directly:
For formats that are not directly supported, an XSL transformation must be performed first. Here is an example with Boost.Test:
# XSL transformation 'sample.xml' => 'sample.after_xslt'
# xUnit: read XML after XSL transformation
- If scanning is failing, check items listed under Troubleshooting Configuration.
- If only a total metric and no values per test file are displayed, the report file does not contain a
tag or the paths are invalid. - To display metrics per test file, sonar.tests must be set correctly and the report must contain
tags. - New versions of SonarQube do not display the contents of the
tags in the user interface.