It saves you time and it can do anything you want to config a server for VPN.
Hi, I'm Soroush and I'm a network studier. This idea once came to my mind why do we should copy the same codes again and again to make a VPN server, a proxy server, or anything else to bypass NIN in Iran! so I made this script and I hope you enjoy it.😉
Update and Upgrde server
GET ssl for server
install several xray panels like x-ui 3x-ui hiddify and ...
Config server for cisco openconnect (use another script)
Config server for openvpn (use another script)
Make a tunnel using iptalbes
Change ssh port
Change Repository
Change nameservers
Config server for mtproto proxy
install and config wordpress
Cloudflare white IP scanner
Run reverse proxy using nginxs
Config firewall server
Config Wiregaurd
Config Outline
Server Backup
Sync two servers
View system usage
Set up IPsec VPN
You just need at least ubuntu 20.04 ()on a VPS. easy !! (It runs on previous versions of ubuntu as well. But his is a preliminary version)
You can test it on other OS's like debian.
- You can simply run code by using code below
bash <(curl -Ls
bash <(curl -Ls
Для русского версия :
bash <(curl -Ls
Or if you want to run it offline : (remember that youre using old version for this)
- First you should download the script usingone of the codes below :
(This will download the hole repository)
git clone
cd Astro
- Then you should make the file runable by using code below
chmod +x
- After that you should run the bash with one of the codes below
- If you have any error running the file just run the code below
sed -i -e 's/\r$//'
🌟 You are all set. enjoy !!
Ether (Aurora Mainnet): 0x997DC6f235797221f5CB1c89127a619277d85d09
Ethereum (Mainnet) : 0x997DC6f235797221f5CB1c89127a619277d85d09
Tether (POS - wormhole) : Bi5GizsJtvrc4mLcBruAQan78Lq4PC4XAjEAwLPMPz64
🔭 I’m currently working on Astro
🌱 I’m currently learning networking
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on GFWresearch
📫 How to reach me : [email protected]